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  • Great looking Diorama! I really like the scenic you added like the cart with the barrels. Which company did you get them from? I am looking to build a battery for my Light Brigade to storm of course that wont be for a while since we will have to move back to the states in a 1.5 years. But I am always looking for ideas to make my collection look a little more interesting.
    Hey Toddy;
    Very nice to meet you.

    Like you, I love History, expecially military history. I get into the stories of the soldiers, why did things go the way they did and such.

    I started off collecting TSs many years ago to include many vendors and many time frames. Over the years, due to cost and space, I have had to narrow that down to only three vendors - CONTE / K&C / JOHN JENKINS. Also I have had to make some hard decisions on what series to collect.

    Living in New England made the decision somewhat easier. The American Revolution and the War of 1812 are my two loves.
    So that means that I have K&C and Conte AWI and JJD 1812. However the JJD does include some FIW sets and indians and such.

    My K&C is by far the largest with about 1250 figures, JJD second with about 340 figures and Conte with about 60 or so.

    Really great to meet fellow collectors, especially from so far away.

    G'day Fellow Collector, thanks for visiting!

    I'm a Kiwi (New Zealander) collector of mainly King and Country now, however I also have a small collection of John Jenkins French Indian War figures and now also some great Thomas Gunn WW2 stuff. plus a few Collectors Showcase vehicles.

    I'm interested in all military history, but I collect mostly WW2, although have a growing interest in the FIW & AWI eras too now.

    My WW2 small collection covers mainly the Western Desert, Normandy and Arnhem and have now dipped my toe into the winter European period.

    Feel free to email/PM me anytime.....Cheers Toddy.
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