Martin Tabony
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  • Hi Martin, Thankyou for helping me get in contact with Ken and place an order. The sets I bought from Ken I have posted to the thread here, I also introduced Chris to Ken......Now that I have my initial MM Heritage Regiment, could you advise me if Ken plans to add standard bearers for they would be fantastic add ons and allow us more flexibility to the diorama set ups....
    Best Regards,
    Hi Martin,
    Sorry to ask your help again. Back in March last year Ken sent me his price list for the Sudan Heritage series. Unfortunately I have had a computer crash and amongst the mails lost from last year was his. Since then I have sent Ken mails again, via the Maison Militaire website and Ken´s personal mail. In the event of you talking to him could you please ask him to send the current Sudan Heritage offering list. Specially now that Craig from WETS is no longer with us, my source for Sudan British armies have been shaved to Little Legion and Ken at Maison..........
    Best Regards,
    A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch.
    Hi Martin,
    I have just received today an e-mail from Ken with a price list for the Sudan sets.
    I thought that he also carried WW1 sets? I will revert to him asking for such and with photos so that I can better evaluate the oprions. Although from the forum I can see the great sets related to Sudan, I have no way of judging the WW1 ones.
    I will keep you in the loop.
    Once again thank you very much for the help.
    Hi Martin,
    Any news from Ken, sent him around 4 mails since we last spoke, last time included photos from the Sudan sets so as to give him some indication of the type of sets I like, plus WW1 interest. I have not heard from him yet.
    Do you have photos of the sets from WW1 that Ken trades, just to have a first hand idea as to what is out there while he does not send me a catalogue or sets of photos?
    On a different subject,have you ever heard of Brian from Yeomanry Miniatures?
    Let us keep in touch.
    Hi Martin,
    Thank you very much for the prompt response to the Sudan campaign Gardner machine gun and troops.
    How can we actually purchase samples of these, I went to the Maison Militarie page on the internet but the site is under construction and therefore does not lead you to an on line catalogue.
    Any way you can advise us on how to come around to contact the owners and ask for a catalogue with photos of the offerings and price list?
    On a different topic, please add photos and articles related to artillery to our club album whenever you feel like. It will be great to see your material in it.
    Hi Martin,
    Mike Miller told me that the best person for info related to a Gardner gun with a Naval garrison, along with some khaki clad infantry, from the Sudan period, I saw and made a note was you.
    Could you please advise me if these are available and how to contact the manufacturer/seller?
    On a different note, I was very pleased to see all the research data and photos that you have related to the Victorian era conflicts.
    Please consider adding some of your great material related to artillery and or that includes artillery to our artillery fans club and album. It would be great to be able to count on someone with so much research info amongst us.
    congrats to your WWI troops you did for Heritage! I collect them. Best from Hans
    Hello Martin,
    I noticed your Sudan figures in Mike Miller's diorama. Do you have a price list and website where I can find more information about your products?
    Of course - just REALLY looked at your Atavar - Life Guards!

    Thanks again for the advice. johnnybach
    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your kind assistance with references on saddlery and all. Fully appreciated. Rgds Victor
    Hi Martin
    Pleased you like the album.yes I am interested in doing some painting,what did you have in mind? talking about painting your figures, I bought some gordon highlanders from you in the mid 90s when you ran Revallie still got the catalogue, in fact I remember having a very long telephone conversation with you, discussing modeling and the armed forces (Im ex RAF police) dont know if you remember. Anyway Yes Im interested PM me and I,ll send you my telephone number.

    Cheers John
    Hi, Martin, welcome to the forum! Congratulations on your talents as a sculptor, I enjoy your figures very much!

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