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  • Hi Mitch - I enjoyed looking at your Tiger I - great paint job. Thanks for your recent comments in a few of my topics. Regards,
    Mitch,We were talking last week about peddling toy soldiers for a profit. Check out the stuff in the for sale section ! gauge gauge gauge !!!
    It is a sad state of affairs....$325.00 for a King Tiger ???
    Mitch thanks for the reply mate. I hope your wife is feeling better. By the way have not forgotten
    about the reqeust of the custom paint job. As of now i am getting rid of 90% of my KC collection
    and keeping an ELITE FEW!!!. I must say the other day I ordered some FL german winter figs
    and was blown Away. But any way take care mate will be keeping in touch and hoping for the best
    for your wife God Bless!!!!
    I don't know if i would be brave enough to say try repainting a K&C piece...I did see in the modeling section today Panzerarm reworking a 21st Century Pz3 , Which i do have a Pz3 Ausf E sittting around...I might attempt a repaint on that being it is not exquiste looking...I am repainting two FOV tank commanders from my Tiger & King Tiger tanks , because they are poorly painted...
    Alot of those models in my new album were done be me long ago...My next project is a Tamiya DAK Tiger...Thanks for looking Mitch...

    Mitch ,

    I just added a new album to my profile...All the models i have built in the past...When you get a chance , check them out & let me know waht you think ?

    Thank you , Mitch...i just picked up the NMA Kursk Tiger really like the color scheme...i noticed your good with the brush...i am starting to get back into repaint's & models after a long break...
    Hi Mitch

    Impressed with your modelling skills and would like some advice.

    I am not a modeller, but would like to try and create a diorama with the K&C Winter Tiger. These are the questions that I have:

    Base material, wood, plywood, slate or other?
    Modellers clay or alternative product for scenery base or do you use paper mache?
    Best trees or do you make your own?

    There'll be more questions to follow but these will do for starters

    here you have my personal e-mail address
    Best Regards
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