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  • Dave, A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch.
    We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing. ........ When I read this at your site, I said to my self.....one cannot better describe our passion for this miniature shot of our heritage.....
    I lived back in the early 90´s in Halifax for sometime...pitty there was no internet then.....nor a wide spread word forum for collectors, for had it existed, foresure we would have met in person way earlier.....
    Well, thanks to internet and all this globalization we can do so now......
    Let us keep in touch.
    Hi Dave,
    Thanks for the note. These are fantastic reference books. They were all published between 1991 and 1994/6. I am pretty sure that the whoel set was made up of 6 titles ( at least those are the ones I have ). They are: The Thin Red Line, by D.S.V. & BK Fosten - Uniforms of the British Army between 1751-1914, The Somme 1916 - Cruicible of a British Army - written and illustrated by Michael Chappell, Zulu - Isandlwana&Rorke´s Drift 22-23 January 1879 - Ian Knight with plates by Michael Chappell and Angus McBride, The Fronties Ablaze - The North -West Frontier Rising 1897-98 by Michael Barthorp , colour plates by Douglas N. Anderson, The Last Charge - The 21st Lancers and the battle of Omdurman, 2 Septemebr 1898 - by Terry Brighton, colour by Douglas N. Andreson, Into the Valley of Death - The British Cavalry Division at Balacava 1854, by John & Boris Mollo with plated by Bryan Fosten.
    Hi Dave - as it was late last night - I forgot to add
    Dorset Soldiers man = Giles Brown - nice guy

    Catalogue shows you the pieces in sets - but you can order as many as you like. E.g, if you wanted the KOSB's with more than one piper - just tell him how many.

    If you wanted pipers with the Royal Scots - just tell him. All you do is check which of the pieces match up with (say) a picture you might have - and paint them up in the correct colours. He will also do head changes for you - so you can have different Regiments.

    The prices are in the "castings" section - and they are reasonable - around £3.50 each or less for some, plus postage. They come with a lot of "flash" - as he doesn't clean them up, he does less to keep cheap.

    You can order online - so to contact: sales@dorsetsoldiers.com

    If that's what you're after - I recommend - with a bit of work - they're as good as anyone else's - for small money.

    Good luck - johnnybach:smile2:
    Dave - just checked it out

    www.dorsetsoldiers.com - he has on-line catalogue of castings or painted.

    Look under "Britain's Defenders (2)

    Set 1530 - KOSB's in 1950's : Officer, Piper plus men marching at the slope - in trews

    Set 1537 - Royal Scots - Colour Party. 2x Officers with Colours, 3x Colour Sgts. and an RSM - all in trews.

    That do you? They look good. My Colours are actually the ones used by the Royal Scots!

    I'm going to have these myself, one day. Best of luck - johnnybach
    Hi Dave - I know what you mean about getting tired of doing something. You get to be glad when they're finished.

    Yes to your query about Highlanders in trews. Dorset Soldiers do some. I'll get back to you with what they are - and where to look - johnnybach
    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the site, I have been using that as well as googling. Hope all is well at your end. Love the pic of the dog :)

    Hi Dave,

    No we haven't had any ear problems with him at all. The poodle on the other hand contantly has ear problems.

    Hi Dave

    Hope you had a great Christmas and you got some toy soldiers in your presents, Have a good New Year.

    Regards John
    Yeap we have a white christmas for a change, 1st one since I've been born so very nice :) just about to sit down for xmas dinner then present time! Hopefully ill get something soldier related,

    All the best Craig
    The show figures are great Dave probably my favourite set of Redcoats made so far (This opinion changes alot) lol, Do you have all the others from the past events? Do you mean the new Naps Gordons with Scotts Greys?

    Hi Dave

    Haven't got much recently to be fair as saving for london next week! I did pick up the K&C Mustang & the 2 WBritain Hamleys sets I was missing at the Birmingham show a few weeks ago. How about you? Anything exciting?

    If you are interested the Victoria Remembrance day parade is on you tube. Nice pics of the Canadian Scottish Pipe Band
    Looking at your pics and noticed the one of you at the 2004 Edinburgh tattoo. The Asian fellow to the right of you looks like the current drum major of the Canadian Scottish. I was in Victoria over Remembrance day and the CS pipe band was in the Parade. Is it the same fellow ?
    Thanks Dave i know what you mean they definitely become part of the family, the eldest was 16 so we was expecting it really kinda prepared ourselves but the second one was only 8 it came on 3 weeks after the first & was a shock. Got 2 new pubs now not replacing them but helping to fill that void! Anyways thanks for the tips about youtube will have a flick through later, only really looked at the Tattoo you had in halifax last year so plenty to look at!
    Cool hope the vet has good news for you, I bought the Edinburgh Tattoo DVD box set of 1998 - 2002 it was ony £30 for all 5 compared to £17 for just 1 of the newer shows, You where in the 2002 show wasn't you? What regiment where you with then?
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