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  1. Obee

    Pickelhaube Miniatures, Australia

    Thanks for your kind words, Louis, I really appreciate that :) JOhn
  2. Obee

    Pickelhaube Miniatures, Australia

    I also bought a set of Kaiser Alexander Guard Grenadiers, Prussian Army 1914 by Tradition of London just before they were retired. and recently completed painting this band, 1st Garde Regiment Zu Fuss Band c.1900 also by Tradition of London. and another couple of fife and drum bands by...
  3. Obee

    Pickelhaube Miniatures, Australia

    Glad to help you out. Yes there are many brands that flourished about 20 years ago when I started painting again, I had done that as a kid and wanted a hobby again. All I can suggest is keep looking, there are some collections coming up for sale seeing the aging of the current collectors, and...
  4. Obee

    Pickelhaube Miniatures, Australia

    I have found another older catalogue, from 2002, but showing less figures. Here are some more pics of Pickelhaube Miniatures that I painted .... John
  5. Obee

    Pickelhaube Miniatures, Australia

    Yes, this was a Australian company based in Queensland and setup by Matt Vogel ? who was of German descent. He was in business about 20 years ago, but it only lasted about 7 years I think. He made a nice range of German troops from pre-WW1 era and then some from the German troops of the US War...
  6. Obee

    The work horse

    Can't see the horse Wayne, maybe there is too much cam ?????? Well done, John
  7. Obee

    Market Day in the Village

    Tom, thanks for your kind words about the restoration I have achieved. It was quite a challenge, but I really enjoyed this project, so colourful it was a huge change from my usual soldiers. I wanted to make something that will be cherished and bring joy to the collector. Should be with you in a...
  8. Obee

    I would mind him in my collection, I could give him a 'lick of paint' :) John

    I would mind him in my collection, I could give him a 'lick of paint' :) John
  9. Obee

    Market Day in the Village

    More closeups and soon they be heading off to start their new life in a market place in the New World :) Hope you like my restoration and remember that someone's junk could be another's gem under all that bad paint John
  10. Obee

    Market Day in the Village

    After about 3 months of work, not full time, just a day or so every couple of weeks, the group was finished and posed on a diorama base I made last year.
  11. Obee

    Market Day in the Village

    Last year I was approached by fellow member and asked if I could do a job for him to restore a set of figures he'd recently acquired. He said they looked like a 'load of junk' but underneath there could be some gems, going on the paintwork. They arrived in May and my first task was to sort out...
  12. Obee

    Need Information looking for a name.

    Brad, thats exactly what I do to mount horses. I use tinplate and then cut it to the required size. The base can also be textured if requires by applying glue then a dusting of sane before painting. This is an example I used on my Hinchliffe gun team and this one Boer War MG team hope...
  13. Obee

    Need Information looking for a name.

    Send me a PM and let me know what is the problem, pictures help, and then I may be able to give advice, John
  14. Obee

    News Update August 5th, 2024 - Anglo-Zulu War

    Good to see that these aren't a re-release of 24th Foot ...... By the way, the soldiers are not wearing 'pants' ...... they wear 'TREWS' John
  15. Obee

    Suggestion for improvement : straight weapons

    I've seen this problem many times, seems to happen 'in transit' so you have to very carefully bend them back straight. The big hassle is that with some hard metal, it is brittle and will break! Also sometimes the paint flakes and has to be retouched. I had a quite few swords on JJD figures...
  16. Obee

    Andy Neilson preview and listening tour of Australia

    I like the pics of the 105mm Firebase gun pit, most realistic !!!! John
  17. Obee

    News Update July 29th, 2024 - Siege of Malta

    I'm looking forward to seeing all these new figures when they come out painted, should be most colourful :) John
  18. Obee

    ACW: 1st Rockbridge Artillery Battery

    Guns and sweaty Gunners, just what I love to see :) John
  19. Obee


    Damien, another very realistic diorama, love the vegetation, I can almost feel the heat and humidity (unlike today in Wallan ?) Well done, John
  20. Obee

    The Bridge

    Great work Damian, I saw this late last year when I visited Howard and was impressed with it at that stage. Good to see that he has now been able to show off all the figures in a realistic display, instead of boxes on the floor !!!! Well Done, John