Any interest in these type of terrain items? (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
May 12, 2005
I have partnered up with an incredibly talented couple of lads from the Uk who produce what I consider to be terrific 15mm/20mm/28mm terrain features; fields, ponds, trees, hedges, etc.

We are considering doing these items in 54mm/60mm; do any of the forum members think these products if done in a larger scale would fly? I do, but I was wondering what you folks think; any comments would be appreciated................


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More pictures of their work; any comments or ideas would be appreciated; I think collectors would buy them, my mates in the Uk aren't so sure, so I need to show them folks would be interested.........


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We are considering doing these items in 54mm/60mm; do any of the forum members think these products if done in a larger scale would fly? I do, but I was wondering what you folks think; any comments would be appreciated................

Trees, hedges, buildings, walls (in decent lengths with the ability to connect to each other).
Do they do winter terrain.I would also be interested in their 28mm items too.
Thanks for the feedback Simon, I will have the lads read this thread so they can understand the demand for items in the larger scale.

Mark, they already to 28mm items that look exactly like the hedge and trees you see in these pictures. You can see examples of their work in 28mm off of my website at; once there, access the scenery and terrain section and from there, access the link to Terra Firma Studios and the 28mm items will be there for you to see.

I have 28mm items for sale now if you are interested...........

I would be interested in the larger scale items that could be adapted to any time period.
Thanks for the feedback, this is very helpful, I too think there would be demand for larger scale scenics such as hedges, ponds, fields, etc......................
Hey George

Is the Glider a dio piece or are we just talking terrain?? Judging by all the comments, that glider piece seems to be really noticeable.

Well, I guess it all comes down to cost for a lot of us. Grudgingly, I have started buying some diorama pieces lately. With the prices of them though, it seems as if I am a diorama collector as well as a terrain collector. If the 3D buildings can come in pretty reasonable then it's probably a go.

The question becomes, for a road warrior like yourself- the amount of space diorama pieces take up in your rental vans are gonna trump the space for toy soldiers (I assume). I guess you'd have to figure that one out.

I think the 25-28 mm scale stuff would sell at all the cons we go to though. Sure, there are already a lot of guys selling the stuff but you have one of the most loyal customer bases I have ever seen. If anyone can make it a go, it's you.

Would you have some at Historicon??
Many thanks for the feedback and the kind words; the items my mates in the Uk are producing that you see in the pictures are the hedges, the pond, the field and the trees. The other items are just pieces from my collection to show them in a nice display.

You are 100% correct in that the wargaming crowd will want these; I have sets of the 15mm/20mm hedges and sets of the 28mm hedges. I posted a news story on The Miniatures Page (a website similiar to this one but dedicated to wargaming) announcing I'd have the pieces at Historicon and so far, I'm thrilled with the responses, presold a couple of sets already.

I then suggested to the guys they should consider doing items in 54mm/60mm and they said they'd think about it; I just wanted to throw this out to the forum members to see what the interest would be. Cost is a factor for sure, but I sense they will be extremely affordable based on the prices for the smaller scale items.

Regarding diorama items at the shows; I do well with them, but you are right, space on the tables and in the van is limited, so we'll see...........
Hi George, i would love to have that style of terrain if it fit in the k&c scale system, i really think the detail is there just needs to be the right size for my collection....sammy
Thanks for your input; I hope to have hedges, ponds, fields and other items to work into my product offering once we figure out what to do first, it is all up to them, they are the artists, I'm just the salesman/idea man.....................
Dunno how popular with other people, but would be nice to see a market square centre piece, something like a memorial, with/without statute, or a fountain...
Would like to see hedges, and that old chesnut ..affordable palm trees..those jungle forests/shorelines are supposed to be dense:D:D Mine currently looks deforestated.. I blame the bombardment prior to invasion
Thanks for the ideas Colin; I will run them up the flagpole and see what we end up with...........
George, definatly would be interested in pieces in 54mm. As Chris pointed out, cost would be the deciding factor.
The other company that does terrain pieces has an excellent product, but just to expensive.
These are back drops, so they take second billing when it comes to the hobby budget.
Understood; God willing, I'll have at worst samples at OTSN with some idea on pricing. If the response is positive in regards to quality and pricing, we'll go forward with the items. If not, that will be that.........the customer decides in the end what gets made and what price point will be acceptable..............

If is as good as your 1/72 scale dioramas, it will fly easily my friend special if on 1/30 scale.

Understood; God willing, I'll have at worst samples at OTSN with some idea on pricing. If the response is positive in regards to quality and pricing, we'll go forward with the items. If not, that will be that.........the customer decides in the end what gets made and what price point will be acceptable..............

I assume you will keep posting on these as well for those of us that won't make it to OTSN.

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