Britains Royal Coach Soldier Pac (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2008
Whilst assembling a Britains Royal Coach from Soldier Pac castings, I have decided to add more detail to this piece to make it more unique. For example, I have started to add details to the interior of the coach and have started to sculpt a royal couple King Edward VII and Alexandra.

I note that the exterior of the lower panels were painted and I have pics of the left and right side panels but lack pictures of the front and back panels. I would be grateful for any pics showing these details.

Rgds Victor


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Hi blaster - Sorry - can't help with the details you are after - but was very interested to see the kit you have. It was my understanding that Soldierpac was no longer trading - so is your kit an old one - or is someone now selling them again. Reason is - I have been trying to find one of those kits for a while now.

So - can't help you - but maybe you can help me find one? If I do find out the details you want - I will let you know - regards - johnnybach
Try Wikipedia? johnnybach

Here is a picture of the rear panel. Trooper


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Holy Mackrel! How are you gonna do that in 54mm??? Will look forward to seeing the finished article - and the best of British Luck with it! I have seen miniatures - but those???? ^&grin johnnybach
Hi JohnnyBach, Trooper and Britfarmer,

thanks for your great inputs. I now have pics of the rear and part of the front panels. If there aren't anymore pics, I'll just try and "wing it".

Soldier Pac ceased trading years back. This was an old kit. The castings are acceptable and a couple right arms are missing.

I think that these panels are doable and I'll try to post updates.

Rgds Victor
Victor, you will find that the book "The Royal Mews" by Mary Stewart-Wilson a great help. It shows details of the coach, horse harness and uniforms as well as a mass of other vehicles. Well worth the effort to find it. Trooper
Hi Victor - (and Trooper) - I was intrigued - so checked out Amazon Books UK.

Found it (used VG) for just one penny - plus £2.80 postage!!!

So have ordered it. If you can't find one where you are - maybe I can help out again - as I will keep looking for an old kit myself to have a go at one day.

Good luck with it - johnnybach
Dear Johnnybach and Trooper,

Your interest and inputs are fully appreciated!!!

I had a further go at the piece. Sculpted more of the royal pair - simple conversions based on Airfix and Preiser.

reworked some details of the coachwork itself, added preiser heads, twisted forward the front of the coach which was cast vertically, trying to keep to the spirit of the original toy-like concept. Some more detailing and then I start painting.

Rgds Victor


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Hi All,

Some more pics to go with this project. Testing the fit of the royal couple inside the coach.

Rgds Victor


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Looking good Victor - now where's your teeniest brush for those panels then?^&grin

A good thread this! I too am looking forward to seeing the next stage of progress. ^&cool

Hi Victor

Hope you have a set of magnifiers for this project those panels are a hell of a project{sm2}
looking forward to seeing your progress, and thanks for sharing.

Regards John
Hi All,

Almost done with the fit of the royal couple into the coach, barring more cleanup and detailing work esp on the crowns.

Just started on the panels and the results so far are a lot of colour swatches. If you can't be good, confuse them I always say. Naturally, John Firth's fans, stay away from this thread...:)

Thanks for looking.

Rgds Victor


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Hi All,

Almost done with the fit of the royal couple into the coach, barring more cleanup and detailing work esp on the crowns.

Just started on the panels and the results so far are a lot of colour swatches. If you can't be good, confuse them I always say. Naturally, John Firth's fans, stay away from this thread...:)

Thanks for looking.

Rgds Victor

Wow{eek3}{eek3}! It looks great!
Just like the real thing! Ha! - I thought this was going to be a tad difficult - but that's a good start. Honestly - at this scale - you are really going to have your work cut out. Don't get too close for the final pic! You're doing supebly well - so far, with a nice job on the coach.:cool:

Would be fun to see your final pic - alongside an original Britains version.

Anmyone out there got a pic of one to share? johnnybach
I managed to work more on the piece, royal couple and the coach, repairing and adding detail (lion heads to the four corners etc) and further painted the panels to give better definition. but in my excitement, the pics are terrible, giving some blue morning tint. That's my excuse for the sloppy work.

Rgds Victor


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I managed to work more on the piece, royal couple and the coach, repairing and adding detail (lion heads to the four corners etc) and further painted the panels to give better definition. but in my excitement, the pics are terrible, giving some blue morning tint. That's my excuse for the sloppy work.

Rgds Victor

Those panels are {eek3}{eek3} Victor!

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