new Normandy board (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Hi all,

Dave and I finished up some small details and the next section (board 2x2) is in the works for my Normandy Diorama!!! this time it will be a used on the German side of the diorama, including a curved road, Bocage, some type of wooden barn ruins as well, time to bring some reinforcements to the German side as right now they are totally outnumbered in the overall battle...Sammy

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Dave and I got the details worked out on the next Normandy board and all is a go!! he hopes to have it completed by the the next London show in December and hopefully under my Tree for Christmas!!!!...Sammy
You will need a big Christmas tree to put this under. Looking forward to seeing a photo at the London show in December. Robin.
You'll never get "bored" with this Sammy! ^&grin Brilliant mate and having smaller sections that make up a very large dio is certainly the way to go when room is limited and if you want to move them around.

some updates on the project...David sent me a few photos awhile back, here is a close up of the barn coming along nicely.










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Thanks fellas, not to much to look at right now as it's in it's early stages but hoping to see it really take shape and by the London show this weekend it should be fully completed.
Almost finished. David just has to do a little painting on a few pieces, barn doors, some small ruins, then add a few cherry trees to add a little to the scenery, so far looking great!!






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Look forward to seeing it ADDED Butch and all your little men on it.
I will be picking up my 4th 2x2 Normandy board from Dave in the next week or so, I believe I will do a complete reset of the entire diorama as this new board really opens up many more options and will show the battle in a better perspective, I'll post some pics once I get it back in place.

Hi Sammy,
Congrats on the new Normandy scenario...
Wish I lived close to Dave as you do.....and had the space to engage Dave on some dioramas for my own sets......These are master pieces.....:salute:::salute:::salute::
Looking forward Sammy to what you have planned for this amazing layout. Robin.
Just got my notice from UPS that my Normandy diorama board should be here tommorow..stay tuned ^&grin^&grin
Just got my notice from UPS that my Normandy diorama board should be here tommorow..stay tuned ^&grin^&grin

Looking forward to see it Sammy. You can make perfect TM terrain and FL together.
Looking forward to see it Sammy. You can make perfect TM terrain and FL together.

I certainly agree there Htet, but I'm kind of at the point that I like to mix and match other manufacturer's if it's possible to do so, as in my Normandy dio I have Figarti, Honor Bound, W. Britain, K&C, Build-A- Rama, T. Gunn, even a FOV Jeep, as long as it looks good and not out of scale or proportion and matches up I think it only adds depth to a good diorama.
Looks great Sam, looking forward to seeing all the scenes you will create on this new dio section.

wow...just removed all the fighting forces and it's a lonely looking dio!!!:( but hopefully not for long :)

Excellent landscape for all manner of vehicles and figures. So many choices to position them and bring them to life. This board is so versatile in regard to many era's also. Nice one Sammy. Now for the fun part setting it up. The down side with terrain you can often see in your mind how things could look, but requires purchasing more items you have seen previously, so more expense, but what the heck. Post photos please. Robin.

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