Sammy's Eastern Front Dio pics (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Here are the final pictures of my diorama that David did. There are more pictures listed under First Legion as well. There will be two sets of pictures here on TM Terrain on this thread for a total of 15. Enjoy....Sammy


Russian roof top sniper taking aim


My favorite FL German Potato masher thrower


The walkway


Rooftop snipers


Bringing up reinforcements



Russians on the attack!
2nd set of pics


Russians suprised by machine gunner!!


Recon vehicle giving close support attack.


again the detail of the church is stunning.


germans advancing.


sniper in the fallen ruins.


german lookout post on the over head walk way.



the full picture of dio.
Thanks to David at T.M. Terrain for doing this outstanding dio for me, we had alot of fun going back and forth with ideas and must say I cannot be any happier!!! David I hope my soldiers have done your dio work justice, and I look forward to the next winter dio in the coming months...Sammy

Again an amazing dio and photos, complimented strongly by those great FL figures. Alby
I can see why you're happy! :eek: Fantastic modelling skills. :cool::cool:

Thanks for all the nice comments guys, and I agree with Louis that I think this is one of the best WWII dios out there (biased of course:)) and alreadt looking forward to our winter dio in the summer...Sammy
Hi guys

Thanks for all the great comments. I really enjoyed making it and I am looking forward to working with Sammy on a winter dio later this year.
I love seeing it populated with troops- it makes it come alive. I always try to take some photos of what I have made before I ship it but hardly ever with figures on so it is always a delight to get photos from customers with their collection in the dio.

You lucky guy Sammy, what an amazing piece of work. David certainly did a very nice job on this.
Thanks for showing off that diorama, love the last shot that shows it in all of it's glory, just spectacular, David is one talented modeler and good for you Sammy to own such a beautiful, one of a kind diorama.

Thumbs up all around...........
This dio presents so many photo opportunities. The layout is clever and variety of scenic elements really draws the viewer in. I'd be constantly moving the figures around to create new scenes.

Great collaboration Sammy and David from concept through completion.
Very nice display by David for Sammy's diorama. Thanks for the photos of your diorama and figures. Very interesting and it shows a story of the battle. J:salute::
Dude that is awesome looking. Thanks for sharing and excellent job.
Again looks awesome "Butch" another step towards the DARK side.............:wink2:
Many thanks to the nice comments, if anyone has any questions about the dio or Davids work at T.M.Terrain please contact me, I would be glad to answer any questions...Sammy
outstanding work , ive only just started this hobby and iam amazed at the quality of work put in to the dioramas
My first visit to this part of the forum and your diorama is brilliant and second to none. I've just visited TM Terrain and I'm impressed. I'll be spending some time there for ideas and possibilities.
Best looking buildings I've seen. With the FL figures, it is an unbeatable dio. Love the Russians firing from the ruined roof with all the displaced shingles. -- Al

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