The Goettge patrol? Like the POV. Nice shots. -- Al
A different look at the Pacific WWII series of K&C Marines .... AND very successful.
Your jungle work is first rate ... well designed and implemented.
Makes me nervous what's on the other side of the dense brush! {sm2}
--- LaRRy
Great job Mate
I like The jungle background������������
this is a fantastic diorama, could be a scene from a war movie
Well done
Yes, magic terrain works, so much potential here. Really adds another dimension to the figures. Anyone not collecting this series ?^&grin, Robin.
So cool Steve - amazing island!
Yes, Steve, you hid them to well. ^&cool
I (think) I found 6 USMC, but only one Japanese.
--- LaRRy
Don't forget to count the Marine dragging his buddy onto the Higgins boat !
I think I counted "them" as one, but if I say it's two that will still leave 2 well hidden Marines and 3 Japanese.
--- LaRRy