The American Civil War Diaries (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007
First picture is a painting by Don Troiani entitled "Lone Star"

At the height of fierce fighting at Antietam 1862 Lee ordered Hood's Texas brigades into a corn-field where the Federal "Iron Brigade" were about to smash Stonewall Jackson's left flank. Vastly outnumbered the Texans charged into the field and stopped the Federal 1st Corps dead in their tracks. By the end of the slaughter the Texans had sustained 82% casualties which included 18 dead flag-bearers.

The following shots are "an attempt" to roughly imitate the painting by using a heavy mix of 54mm metals. Limitations of exact figure poses inhibits getting anywhere near the detail of the original. But hell it sure was a lot of fun selecting and posing the figures.
And guys as we all know that's what this hobby is all about.




Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Wow! That is really cool.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Uk Reb'
Well done once again on a truly wonderful effort. Is the 1999 Britains Lone Star set included in that dio. It was based on the Troiani picture. Thanks for posting that diorama.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

It looks like you enjoyed the time you spent duplicating the photo and the efforts sure paid off. It's a nice touch using the photo to work from and very close to duplicating it with the figures and near poses you use. Thank UKReb for sharing the results.........The Lt.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Well, that's pretty d*mn close to the painting in my eyes. Excellent shot and neat idea.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Looks fantastic!
I would try and duplicate the sky in the painting with some chalks. That would really bring things to life.

Don's art and books are so cool. By the way I just picked up his American Battles on ebay for 10$ and his Soldiers in America for 15$. Both books new.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Amazing! Call your countryman Kevin (panda1gen) and take it outside and let him photograph it in the natural light and you will have the print reproduced pretty much exactly.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Fantastic,absolutely superb dio.You obviously have a real passion for this period.Congratulations.Nice to meet you on Saturday by the way.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Looks fantastic!
I would try and duplicate the sky in the painting with some chalks. That would really bring things to life.

Thanks for all your comments guys and good advice lenswerk so last night I knocked up a more appropriate back-drop for the dio.
Damien I haven't got the Britains Lone Star set in my collection figures used are new&old Britains, Conte (both flag-bearers) and ONWT.

Louis thanks for the excellent tip but as Kevin will tell you, you just cant take a dio outside in the UK due to the d*mn persistent rain, it rarely stops. Now if I lived in Arizona or Utah Or Nevada or California..........



Next photo is another little vignette I am currently working on to include in the overall dio entitled "Save the Colours" just had to give those Yankee's a turn.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

UK REB: Thanks for posting your fine diorama scene. The placement of figures and photos are really well done. I enjoyed viewing your work. Leadmen
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Seems like the Yankees aren't doing to well once again very nicely done my UK Reb....The Lt.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

UK Reb
This is the support you need


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Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

UK Reb, Had to jump on this band wagon. Britains Berdan Rifles I had to take 10 shots before coming up with this one:D

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field


Here's some more reinforcements to support your "Rolling Thunder" sets with a mounted Col. Porter Alexander to the rear praying that his artillery ammo lasts out to support the Reb advance.

Vamp- Couldn't pull up your pic of the Yankee Green Jackets.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field


Here's some more reinforcements to support your "Rolling Thunder" sets with a mounted Col. Porter Alexander to the rear praying that his artillery ammo lasts out to support the Reb advance.

Vamp- Couldn't pull up your pic of the Yankee Green Jackets.


Yeah that is weird. Here we go again.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Vamp. Now that's what I call a good set, but I do have a couple of Gray Comanches that just might have given them a run for their dollar shot for shot.

That is also a great little mini dio, excellent vegetation and set-up, left flank trooper appears to be pointing at the viewer so that the sharpshooter can get a bead on ya!
Well worth wasting a few shots to get the prime finish.


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