Things that annoy me (6 Viewers)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
The master list which grows as I get older:

1) Drivers who try to pass on the right even though there is obviously a slower moving vehicle in that lane rendering it impossible. My unscientific observation identifies most of those people as being from NJ.

2) Pop up videos on Internet news forums that make reading any article almost impossible.

3) People who mow their lawn more than twice a week.

4) People who have yard sales and/or those that decide to suddenly stop in the road for said purpose.

5) Restaurant servers asking if I have been there before as though that makes some difference in my ability to read the menu.

6) Any change whatsoever. There is some guy name "Paul" who has lunch in the same restaurants as myself in Gettysburg on the same days. I see him at least twice a week. I've never spoken to him but find his shadow like presence comforting like a character from a Charles Dickens novel.

7) People who ask if I'm standing in line if I'm not breathing down the neck of the person in front of me.

8) Flying anywhere with all the torture associated with air travel.

9) Going to the doctor and waiting hours after my appointment time to get in for five minutes. I have to laugh at the criticism that "socialized medicine" will result in long wait times. Try to make an appointment with a specialist and you are on a waiting list for months. When the day finally arrives you cool your heels for as long as it takes to get in.

10) Self-serve check outs at stores. There is always some person monitoring them which seemingly defeats the purpose even assuming that they work - which they usually do not.

11) Being told that you can only buy tickets to a sports event via your mobile phone. No paper tickets. Ridiculous.
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Man, what an awesome idea for a thread;

1.) When I'm at the top of my street trying to take a left and some clambrain comes from my right and rather than let me go, just blows around me like I'm invisible, apparently wherever that person is going is much more important than where I'm going.

2.) When I'm behind the grand marshal of the Macy's day parade in the right lane and I signal to get into the middle lane and the brother of the ****** from example #1 comes flying up behind me, swerves into the middle lane and leaves me stuck in the right lane; again, must be related to the guy from example #1 as wherever he's going is much more important that where I am.

3.) It never fails that when I'm in the 10 items or less line, some nitwit is in front of me with 20 items, they play all coy and innocent that they had no idea the line is for 10 items or less, not sure who I want to strangle more, that person or the cashier who says nothing to the person.

4.) When I'm in a line 4 miles long at a store and the a new lane opens up and the cashier says "I can take the next person in line" and naturally **** for brains behind me jumps right into the line.

5.) When I call my bank, credit card company, gas company, electric company or cable company and I have to go through 47 steps to talk to an actual human being.

6.) Whenever I have a mouthful of food, that's when the waitress decides to cruise over and ask me how everything is, they all must circle like vultures until they see a mouthful of food go in and here they come.

7.) Whatever line I choose at the bank, there is always a guy in front of me who is doing a wire transfer to his friend in Bulgaria, has a mountain of cancelled checks in a folder and needs to go through them one at a time to get help balancing his checkbook or needs a bank draft drawn on Greek currency.

8.) The kiss of death uttered before I go into a store "This will only take a minute"...………..

9.) Change; any sort of change whether it be a new way to pay a bill, a new cable box and remote, a new router, a new routine to follow at the doctors office to check in or basically anything that worked fine the way it was before and just has to be changed.

10.) People who bring a child under the age of four into a nicer restaurant and the kid is yammering non stop, yelling and screaming, flinging food around like a chimp act at the circus and the parents are sitting there clueless as to how the kid is ruining the dining experience for everyone within a 50 foot radius.

11.) The person in front of me at the Dunkin Donuts drive through who's ordering 22 different kinds of coffee, a dozen donuts and nine breakfast sandwiches; get your 7 foot wide *** out of your car and walk into the store instead of gumming up the drive through for half an hour.
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1. Cell phones in cars. It is impossible to drive anywhere now. Actually drive your car.

2. Left hand loungers. You are not a cop, it is not your job to make people go the speed limit. It's also very unsafe.

3. It's been the same d#$% menu at Mc Donalds/ Starbucks, etc, for 20 years. Don't stand/drive thru going "AAAAAHHHH".
You should have known by the time you got there.

4. Having to go the Secretary Of State. (DMV).

5. The crazy process to buy plane tickets anymore. ?.$ ?$ ?$ ?$ every question! another charge.
Here's a idea. I want go some where, tell me how much is the total, and figure Yeah, I going somewhere so I am going to have to bring luggage, so add that in before hand.

6. Stoves, Wash machines, Dryers, Etc . It all, does not have to be that complicated .. I really don't need internet on the dryer. My washer does not need to figure out the year I bought the jeans, so it can the control the wear. Just wash the darn things, Make ice, etc.

7. More than 3 text in a row. If you want to talk more than that, JUST CALL.

8. No more spare tires in cars.

9. Concert Tickets, 9 steps to get to a person, which I wanted to talk to anyway. Wait times in Dr Office. I agree with all of these as well.

10. The constant remakes of TV. and Movies. Stop. Leave some stuff alone. It doesn't need to be remade. Write new things.

11. To everyone in the world. I have the amount of french fries that I, intend to eat. Order your own!
All our lists go to 11 like in Spinal Tap. I'll add a few more.

1) When I'm standing in line waiting to speak to someone and they take a phone call that goes on for half an hour while ignoring everyone right in front of them. It makes me want to pull my phone out and call the person while I'm waiting.
2) People who don't pull up close enough to the ATM and can't reach it. After about ten tries leaning out the window they attempt to open their door to discover they are too close to get it open thereby trapping themselves like a rat.
3) Wine bottles that have those cone shaped bottoms so they appear to contain more wine than they actually do. This is often not only an annoyance but a real problem.
4) Selling beer in cases that contain more than 30 cans. So heavy that I've seen clerks actually assist people in carrying them to their cars. In PA, we have to buy beer from "beer distributors" due so some corrupt monopoly imposed by the state.
5) Being told on an airplane that you can't use the unoccupied toilets two rows in front of you but must walk back fifty rows to the stand in line with a hundred other people.
6) Videos of police officers singing songs or performing some type of dances with the local kids. I often wonder if there is a bank being robbed while these PR stunts are going on.
1- Adults who immediately write off today's generation of kids. Gotta admit, of all the teens and early 20's my kids hang around, these kids are fantastic. Sure, they make some mistakes and do goofy things but who didn't at that age?? All the kids I talk to are incredibly respectful. These are the kids who grew up in the shadow of 9-11 and went on to fight that war. Sure, the battles probably weren't as consistently intense as WW2 and the others but at least there was some political will to win. The GWOT has just gone on and on and these kids continue to answer the call.

2- iPhones/ Social Media- I don't own a wireless. I am not on Social Media. I'm not rotting in a cave somewhere- I am out living my life interacting with real life humans (as he types on his keyboard in his office lol). I have this bad feeling in 20 years or so there are going to be millions of Americans lying on their deathbeds wishing they never had an iPhone. You cannot change human nature- porn addictions grew exponentially with the public use of the internet. I often wonder if the global crisis of human trafficking isn't directly related to the ease of porn access on one's iPhone.

3- Packs of Cyclists- You would think my township is the location for the American time trials for the Tour de France. I fully support people's rights to work out and stay healthy but be smart about it. Cycling in a pack of 50 or more bicycles at 4:30/ 5 oclock on a Wednesday night is just inviting a tragedy. And stop wearing such hideous clothes. Stop wearing such ridiculous helmets AND stop feeling the need to CONSTANTLY tell me it's the law to give you a 4 foot berth.

4- During rush hour when you merge onto the expressway in a "you go- I go" pattern and that a-hole who doesn't get it and blocks you from merging. Really????

5- 300 pound vegans. Again, I fully support a healthy lifestyle but figure out a balanced, nutritional diet first BEFORE you go off into these various branches of eating habits. My brother falls in this category and he is constantly telling me and my parents what is wrong with our diets while his waistline continues to expand.

6- STAR WARS. Good God, what a train wreck that part of my childhood has become.

7- Enthusiasts- While I appreciate how knowledgeable you may be about the load tests on a Tiger I's torsion bars, the best place to find a crystal to charge up your imaginary light saber, why Kim Kardashian is the most beautiful woman in the world and so forth, too much enthusiasm can be overwhelming and tedious to listen to while in a casual conversation environment.

8- The Post 9-11 "Thank a Vet" movement. I get it- The intent is admirable but a lot of the time it just comes off as cliché. I signed a contract. I knew the risks, I accepted them. That's really all the thanks I needed. The Army gave me every tool I needed to survive and find success in life and honestly, I should be thanking them. Frankly, when I served, I really can't say I was willing to die for anyone's right to do anything. I got paid and got to blow stuff up and shoot things all around the globe. I got three hots and a cot and got to chase tail after work. I was going out for beers with three of the dads on my son's baseball team one night after a game. We headed over and the coach saw my 101st wristband. He goes "thanks for your service" I replied "Thank you, the honor was all mine." Then about five minutes later he goes "I'm sorry, what was your name again!" SMH {sm4}{sm4} I replied "Chris. It's ok- I wouldn't remember me either".

9- Getting stuck between two coworkers who are in the middle of an office politics spat. I've been in this position for three months now. Cmon people.

10- Crossfit- I mean really- how many pushups/ crunches/ jumping jacks/ handstands/ 300 yard dashes/ platform jumps/ handstands/ handstand pushups/ yoga poses/ bicep curls/ standing jumps/ etc/ etc/ etc do you need to do to make yourself happy with your body? Seems extreme to me- and then there is usually two or three females who peeled on a pair of yoga pants and sports bra's who are doing it with about a dozen or so soyboy beta cucks who are following them around and trying to cut jokes hoping like hell their power bench set of 135 was impressive enough to warrant a smile.
The master list which grows as I get older:

1) Drivers who try to pass on the right even though there is obviously a slower moving vehicle in that lane rendering it impossible. My unscientific observation identifies most of those people as being from NJ.
In Europe you stay on the right side of the lane, you are not allwed to drive on the center or on the left unless necessary

2) Pop up videos on Internet news forums that make reading any article almost impossible.
I agree
3) People who mow their lawn more than twice a week.
To avoid that I decided t live in town
4) People who have yard sales and/or those that decide to suddenly stop in the road for said purpose.
don't know, yard sales are not allowed some street sales, once a year are allowed, but then the street is closed to traffic
5) Restaurant servers asking if I have been there before as though that makes some difference in my ability to read the menu
Me think the waiter is just socializing.

6) Any change whatsoever. There is some guy name "Paul" who has lunch in the same restaurants as myself in Gettysburg on the same days. I see him at least twice a week. I've never spoken to him but find his shadow like presence comforting like a character from a Charles Dickens novel.
I can understand ... just ask the waiter, if he knows

7) People who ask if I'm standing in line if I'm not breathing down the neck of the person in front of me
I understand the people who asked ...

8) Flying anywhere with all the torture associated with air travel.

9) Going to the doctor and waiting hours after my appointment time to get in for five minutes. I have to laugh at the criticism that "socialized medicine" will result in long wait times. Try to make an appointment with a specialist and you are on a waiting list for months. When the day finally arrives you cool your heels for as long as it takes to get in.
Socialized medecin here, usualy 10/20 min arround appointment time, you stay at least 20min, many checks t°, pulse, tension, variation of weight, breathing etc ... just for a standard visit like ; the flu . Cost 0€, sometime 14€
Medication 0€ A specialist 2/3 weeks, 24Hr if your own doctor take the rendez-vous for urgency matter

10) Self-serve check outs at stores. There is always some person monitoring them which seemingly defeats the purpose even assuming that they work - which they usually do not.
Ours are working very well and the guy/girl who is monotoring 10 machines are there to help

11) Being told that you can only buy tickets to a sports event via your mobile phone. No paper tickets. Ridiculous.
Completrly agree

I'm enjoying this thread and of course have grumbles of my own. In the end, life is really good. Not to digress, but Chris or anyone, should listen to the Jocko Podcast. He reviews war books and talks about leadership among other things. He can be found through Spotify and I think, YouTube. Very entertaining and motivating. Give it a try.
This is a great thread, although I must admit that I don't agree with all of the things that are being listed.

Perhaps that is what makes it all so interesting?
I get annoyed when:

1. Sellers show figures in stock, they take your money and two weeks later they tell you that they do not have the figure!
I get annoyed when:

1. Sellers show figures in stock, they take your money and two weeks later they tell you that they do not have the figure!
Happened to me just yesterday. Called to check on an order from almost 2 weeks ago, and was told it was on backorder. Cancelled the transaction. -- Al
When you are watching a series on TV/cable etc and you go to a ad break then when you return they rehash half the show again before continuing the story,like we all have Alzheimer's disease.
When you are watching a series on TV/cable etc and you go to a ad break then when you return they rehash half the show again before continuing the story,like we all have Alzheimer's disease.

Oh, that’s a good one. Especially for documentaries.
Having to pay ATM fees - there used to be a time when they were free.
Having to pay for plastic bags - there used to be a time when they were free.
Having to pay tolls on a road that my taxpayer money paid to build.
Having to pay for a car emissions test when the dmv/mva is making me do it.
When there is another public holiday in Hong Kong and dispatches are delayed lol
Security camera footage with resolution so poor that you could not recognize your own mother.

Basking in the privilege of residing in The People's Republic of Occupied New York. (Spouse's call)

This one heavily borders on disgust.

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