Vice Principals (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
As a Kenny Powers fan I had to give this one a try. Is it offensive? Yes. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it funny? Not really. Will I continue to watch? Probably. A few typical Kenny-like gems here and there but otherwise a juvenile attempt at humor. And not in the good way. I'm not offended by the non-PC stuff or profanity - in fact that is often funny - but this one is not working so far. Poor Bill Murray looks a thousand years old and wondering how he got involved in this mess. Some reviewer tried to put a best spin on this by saying it provides insight on why a certain political candidate is doing so well. Or it could just be a stupid TV show best watched after ten beers.
As a Kenny Powers fan I had to give this one a try. Is it offensive? Yes. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it funny? Not really. Will I continue to watch? Probably. A few typical Kenny-like gems here and there but otherwise a juvenile attempt at humor. And not in the good way. I'm not offended by the non-PC stuff or profanity - in fact that is often funny - but this one is not working so far. Poor Bill Murray looks a thousand years old and wondering how he got involved in this mess. Some reviewer tried to put a best spin on this by saying it provides insight on why a certain political candidate is doing so well. Or it could just be a stupid TV show best watched after ten beers.

I'm a Danny McBride fan also...and struggled with the first episode...but will stick around to see the collaboration between McBride and Goggins against the new principal...I think she will bury those 2 idiots...
Also a fan of McBride. Finally watched Episode 1 last night. Don't see this as an epic series but found myself laughing out loud especially when the new principle tore into McBride. I definetly will be watching more.
Watched it, as well, and I'm not sure where it will go. Has the potential to be funny, with school administrative politics, and all. -- Al
The second episode was pretty funny with the burning of the house and mother-in-law.
I usually find humor in most things but I didn't find trashing and burning the principal's house down amusing at all.I hope kids don't get any ideas from watching this.
They made the trashing and burning of the house like it was a silly prank. I know this is a comedy and spoof but a stunt or I should say crime would land you in prison for a long, long time.
When I saw them destroy the principal's family portrait it made me cringe.I know it's just a show but I thought it was really in bad taste.To destroy every thing somebody has worked for is not funny to me.
I officially decided I had enough of this show. DVR'd Sundays, watched about 15 minutes and finally said why am I torturing myself and erased it.
I laughed a couple of times at episode #1 and that was it.
I'm loving it still...I thought the pep rally was hilarious...but I guess this type of humor doesn't appeal to everyone...still...I like it and will continue to watch it...
I'm loving it still...I thought the pep rally was hilarious...but I guess this type of humor doesn't appeal to everyone...still...I like it and will continue to watch it...

I'm still watching too. It is definitely hit and miss. Sometimes hilarious and sometimes very stupid. If it is about anything then perhaps the angst of the aging white male in a changing society. That is most substantive spin I put on it.
I have to say my opinion has changed on this.I recorded 3 episodes for my cousin and did find myself watching episode 4 last night.
about Danny McBride's career....

HBO and the few movies I have seen him in...

he always seems to get cast in an almost stereotyped character personality...

obnoxious...arrogant...crude...foul language...just a dimwit loser...

his role in Vice Principals is pretty much the same thing...

it's a class of humor that might not appeal to everyone...

I think you almost have to be a fan of him personally to enjoy this show...
Pretty funny episode this week with the talk in the woods, Gamby in the "circle" and the brass knuckle confrontation.
Mike, I think this is why we get along so well.....
I am really enjoying it!
I'm glad to see the character of Gamby...
played by Danny McBride...
seemingly developing some uncharacteristic relationships on the series...
his daughter...the female teacher and the principal...
it's a nice twist...
you kind of start rooting for the poor guy after a while...
he's such a misfit...
but after the episode of him with the brass knuckles and the weight lifter...
they seem to be portraying him as less of a loser than I thought they would...


the character of Lee Russell (Walt Goggins) is slaying me as he seems to be losing ground in every endeavour...
each plot he attempts...
seems to fail...

the scene where the principal caught him spitting in her coffee last week was pretty funny...
but the skit of babysitting the principal's children was kind of predictable...
she has some "BAD" children...
still he has his moments in the show that crack me up...
Goggins is a versatile actor...
don't know if you Son's of Anarchy fans remember him in the series...
he played the Venus Van Dam...the transgendered prostitute


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I only started watching this show last and am now caught up. It's hilarious!
I found this season very funny but have to admit there were some truly uncomfortable themes like burning down the house and blackmailing the principal to leave. This show seems to want you to both like and hate the main characters which is a bit complex for this type of comedy. And the dark ending to season one (hopefully not some kind of dream sequence we have all grown to hate). Eastbound and Down had a lot of this same dark overtone to the comedy.
the closing scene was a shocker...
not what I expected...

guess Principal Dr. Brown had a couple of shots of gin before she put on her Halloween outfit...

if that is her...
The series was funny at times but when you get right down to it, those two were a couple of low lifes who you wouldn't want to know in real life. I suppose in season two (assuming there is one), the show will show her revenge.

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