Recent content by artmabigor

  1. artmabigor

    For sale : some FL Napoleonics

    Hello everyone, for sale (reduced prices) some FL Napoleonics references: If you are interested, contact me at: or pm me and we will discuss prices and shipping costs. (variable depending on country and weight: France postage rates applied) All come with original...
  2. artmabigor

    Personal additions to my FL 75mm collection: (more)

    1799: EGYPT: camel regiment So here is another figurine (resin: 75 mm from RP Models published at 300 ex in 2016) that will join my collection of "turnkey": First Legion. Very far from the standards of the masters of competition, but that's not what I'm looking for ... Simply personal pleasure...
  3. artmabigor

    New Releases?

    Hello everyone, I found this info this morning !!!!!{eek3} (attached screen copy) New series for "the youngest" ....^&grin Best. Guy.:salute::
  4. artmabigor

    Personal additions to my fl 75mm collection

    Re: Personal additions to my fl 75mm collection (1815: LAST SQUARE...(the end) ... happy to have found pleasure to assemble and paint these figurines for this vignette: it's not perfect, but for a return to this passion after more than twenty years of "abandonment" for "keys in hand" it's more...
  5. artmabigor

    Personal additions to my fl 75mm collection

    1815: "The Guard dies but does not surrender ..." .... following my reunion with the pleasure of assembling and painting figurines. WIP: a vignette of 3 or 4 actors of the old Guard. :salute::
  6. artmabigor

    Personal additions to my fl 75mm collection

    thank you all for your positive comments on my work. Already finished my second creation. An "indispensable" piece for a 1st Empire collection General Bonaparte (resin 75 mm - acrylic: photos smartphone: distance of 10 cm: close-up +++) I really find the pleasure of this passion. Joined my FL...
  7. artmabigor

    Personal additions to my fl 75mm collection

    Hello everyone, It's been a long time since I posted on the forum.:o With this winter weather, and after more than 25 years, I decided and found my first passion: to assemble and paint again figurines. For a cover, I chose a 75mm scale, more "easy" for my view which also begins to blame the...
  8. artmabigor

    FL7504P Napoleonic French Voltigeur with Booty - Russia 1812

    photo shoot of my last acquisition: Hello everyone, It's been a long time since I posted an article on this forum. But with this exceptional weather level for outdoor activities, it was difficult for me to stay locked up. So here I am again to find my pleasure of the staging and the...
  9. artmabigor

    Happy Birthday Kogu (Konrad)

    Joyeux anniversaire Konrad.:salute:: Guy
  10. artmabigor

    Soldiers of the french revolution (1795 - 1809)

    my copy has many eyebrows: forgotten even happen to the best ...:confused: Scupture and level painting at the top for my opinion. very nice figurine for me.
  11. artmabigor

    Soldiers of the french revolution (1795 - 1809)

    the drum joined "the friends" ....:D:salute::
  12. artmabigor

    Soldiers of the french revolution (1795 - 1809)

    Small staging of my new acquisitions of my favorite manufacturer.:smile2: For this new series, at a scale of 75 MM, these pieces are not far removed from what can be seen in the exhibitions. In any case, I am "addict" and I will now focus on quality over quantity ... in my windows. Enjoy...
  13. artmabigor

    Some older FL pics. Feel free to add your own.

    Guy. :salute::
  14. artmabigor

    75mm Napoleon's Europe French Revolutionary Wars!

    this beauty has just arrived: incredible paint quality !!{eek3} I discovered the 75mm and I must admit that this scale allows a level sculpture and painting even greater than 60 mm. Thanks Matt and FL for producing these great miniatures. My choice in the future is priority to this new range for...
  15. artmabigor

    New figures previewed on FL website

    other FL advertising found on FB: TSC magazine New WILD WEST;:)