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  • Marc! I need help identifying some of these sets! I can't find earlier set photos anywhere online. I have soldiers everywhere and empty boxes but i have no idea what goes with what!!

    Thanks for your friendship and company at the Toy Soldier show last week cannot believe It passed so quickly and now its gone!!

    I hope your op goes well and I also hope you think about what we discussed on sunday night....

    Keep in touch

    How goes the recovery? Hope the arm is getting better - need to have it functional to carry all those packages from Chicago. Sorry, I won't get to see you in Chicago as the wife and I will be visiting our son, who is a freshman in college, for Parent's Weekend - got to keep my priorities. Have a great time with the gang and hope to see you in New York soon.
    I put up a photo of the K&C A-6 Intruder, which I just got. It is 1/48 scale and has some dings, but a neat piece to have. By the way, how did you know I got it?
    Any new toys on your end?
    All the best,
    That's great news Marc!! Hey- Airforce 1 was doing practice flights here at Harrisburg International on Tuesday- always neat to see that big ole bird buzzing around.

    Hey bud

    I hope you are doing well. I saw some pictures of a wonderful looking crusader diorama of I believe a friend of yours?? :) I think I saw my St. Pete crusader running about in there and causing havoc- did my eyes deceive me or was that my guy?? I hope it was as he has a great collection and that makes me happy to see he went to an appreciative collector.

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