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  • Hello there. I started sculpting about 2 years ago, and hopefully will get better as time goes by. I do have a site at www.toyboxarmy.com I also sell on Ebay under the seller name "mytoyboxarmy". I'd like to say I make money at it, but that would be a lie :) I have actually thought about putting figures in bottles also, very cool that you have done it. I would like to see some of them if you have a chance to post them again.
    G'day Mate, I paint and sculpt figures of which I put in bottles. I paint 54mm metal ACW and Marlburnian figures. I noticed you sculpt your own figures and very nicely too. Do you sell them or have a website at all? My sculpted figures are of friends and reflect what they look like....hopefully? I did put some of my 54mm figures and bottled dios on the Forum last year, but not the sculpted ones as yet. Love your work mate. Cheers, Johno.
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