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  • Happy Thanks giving Tim...hope your holidat season is good family time and you get to enjoy your hobby some...Michael
    Tim....glad to hear work is on'll recover in no time and soon be bringing rolls of cash to shows to spend...glad things are turning your way...Michael
    Tim, I should have sent this a long time ago, you've helped me on numerous occassions (friend request).

    Once more I need your help.

    Can you put me on the thread where you made the tree stumps from Sculpey and how you did it?

    Thanks, Michael

    sorry I am so late but I have been swamped at work. Please accept my condolences for the passing of your father. I am sure he was a great inspiration in your life and his passing has no doubt left the world a lesser place.

    On an up note- that "Black Friday at TF" thread and the subsequent reaction was the funniest thing I have read on any forum. You are my hero!! :) If you ever find your way to Central Pa- the first round is on me- Cheers C
    Fishhead1960, I need some help with a castle diorama. Joe Quintini (The Lt.), said to contact you on this question. Maybe you can talk to me for a few minutes and give me some direction. My phone number is 409-740-7008, or you can leave your phone number if you're willing to help and I'll call you. I live in Galveston, Texas. I know you're probably very busy with the holiday, but perhaps you can spare a few minutes, Michael Miller
    I don't know how I missed you for my list. One of the figure converting experts. Hope all is well. John
    Still getting used to this website. Just posted some background about my interests. I noticed we share a mutual interest in Napoleonics. I look fwd to chat with you.
    Just a quick hello and nice seeing you getting back into things slowly but surely. Looking forward to my visit once your settle in.
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