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  • Hi Greg,

    I've had an email bounce back from your address, ghsimon@eldersnet.com.au

    Have you changed? If so please email me obees@upnaway.com as I'd like to keep in contact for when i come over to SA.

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for the friendship request,welcome aboard!.

    Best wishes

    Dear Fr Greg,
    Thanks a lot for the good news will check the website for the new releases.Please advise to the members of the artillery group since they were also waiting for the news.
    Dear Luiz
    Please see Finally,! Toy Army Workshop as we have finally made available on the website.
    www.fleurbaixtoysoldiers.com.au to find the all of the range.
    Thanks Fr Greg
    Fleurbaix Toy Soldiers
    Hi Please send to my e-mail LFFLEURY@UOL.COM.BR the list and price of the TAW sets you are currently offering.
    Hi Fr Greg,
    Please let me know when will you be listing at your website sets from TAW. I have been going into it on a regualr basis and have not seen any. Please let me know.
    Artillery Crazy
    Hi Greg,
    Was wondering if you had a rough idea how much some of your TAW sets are going to be at the london show? Especialy your Recruitment Office & Inspecting the kit sets?
    Cheers Craig
    Hi Greg,
    Please send me the photos for the gatlinguns and nordenfelt I could not see them.
    My e-mail is LFFLEURY@UOL.COM.BR
    Hi Fr Greg,
    Can you send me the referred photos for the gatling and nordenfelt guns to my prvt e-mail ( see previous message ) or load them onto the social club forum album so that I can see them.For some reason they do not show up on your web site.
    Just for my information do you accept cc or does it have to be paypal?
    How compatible are all those Camel Corp with Trophy and LL
    Hi Fr Greg,
    Please send me the photos for I have gone to the site and all that I can see are the camel units in the Sudan file, no artilery photos in the Artillery files nor in the other War files.
    Please send the photos and prices of assembled kits to the following two mails:
    Please let me know when the photos for the artillery files ( WW1-WW2 ) will be up.
    Let us keep in touch. If you wish to post photos of the assembled kits in our club album I would love that.
    Please do advise and or include a link to your site in the artillery_crazy forum so that we may help spreading the word of your arrival and that you are trading.
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