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  • Hi Glenn,

    Sorry it took me this long to read your note and answer.
    Let us keep in touch and if you have photos of your sets, specially those related to or with artillery in them, you are more than welcome to join us at the artillery fans club and post the photos.
    As to Toy Army Workshop sets, yes if you have any or come across one let me know.
    Fleury aka Artillery _crazy

    I have the K&C French Farm House & Courtyard diorama sets if you are interested. Email me either here on the forum or at my email address - gmcourson@juno.com.

    I also have quite a bit of the early K&C Napoleonic and Revolutionary War sets which I can email you a list if you are interested.

    I have been collecting since the early 2000's starting with the Napoleonic & Rev War and moving onto Jenkins French & Indian War, which is what I collect exclusively at present. Thus, I am selling off the K&C Napoleonics & Rev War.

    I am a silent reader of the Forum. I like to get information off the posts regarding the releases & history but do not care to get involved with the politics, if you know what I mean.

    Write back if you have any interest in the Farm House, Napoleonics or other K&C mentioned above.

    Thanks, Glenn Courson, aka samwise II
    Hello Hartschier. I'm originally from Texas too. Do you mind if I ask when you were in the service? Thanks and I hope to hear back from you soon.
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