Recent content by Hector of Troy

  1. Hector of Troy

    JJDesigns May 11th, 2020 News Update

    Hopefully John will also create some more Roman Triarii in fighting positions. As said his Punic Wars figures are wonderfully done and make a Great addition to any ones collection.
  2. Hector of Troy

    Painted Expeditionary Force Plastic Figures

    Painted up some Persian and Macedonians. They took to paint well. Used Acrylics.
  3. Hector of Troy

    Planning before the battle

    Great Diorama Joe , looks awesome.
  4. Hector of Troy

    FL7504P Napoleonic French Voltigeur with Booty - Russia 1812

    Great looking photos, they should be framed and hung up on a wall. Awesome job!!!!
  5. Hector of Troy

    Anthony's Legion

    Thanks Robin, yes this time period of Rep Rome you can have the civil wars that erupted after the murder of Caesar. Marc Anthony vs Brutus and Cassius or also before Caesar's murder ,when he was battling Pompey for control of Rome. Great time period for Roman history ,I think John hit this out...
  6. Hector of Troy

    Anthony's Legion

    Thanks for the compliments on the pics, here are some pics of the dio as requested. Built this a few years ago using FL figures, but over the last year have been adding Jenkins Gauls to it and will add his Late Rep Romans white shield to the battle. Have another dozen of his Gauls yet to add...
  7. Hector of Troy

    Anthony's Legion

    Installed my new JJ Romans into my Alesia Dio that I built a few years ago with FL Romans and Gauls. Over the past year I have added JJ Gauls into the Dio and now can give the Romans some Reinforcements. I feel they blend in well, especially with the Marc Anthony FL figure with his white shield...
  8. Hector of Troy

    Commission for an Ebay customer...

    Looks real nice Mike, Great job
  9. Hector of Troy

    New Releases for March 2018 - The Ancients Collection, Armies & Enemies of Rome

    Re: New Releases for March 2018 - The Ancients Collection, Armies & Enemies of Rome This could work? [/B] [ATTACH=CONFIG]228761[/ATTACH]
  10. Hector of Troy


  11. Hector of Troy

    Painting some Late Bronze Age Figures

    Painting some Late Bronze Age Figures, from Russian castings I picked up on Ebay. They are nicely detailed and a joy to paint. Sorry for some of the pics that aren't to clear.
  12. Hector of Troy

    Italian Political Style ???

    Maybe it wasn't her pantsuit that she coordinate her shoes with{sm4}
  13. Hector of Troy

    Warm Gates of Thermopylae...

    Hey Mike , looks great nice job. Those figures look great together! Joe
  14. Hector of Troy

    NHL Playoffs

    Pittsburgh Hockey teams wore Black and Yellow back in the 20's they didn't steal any ones colors. From Wikipedia, The Pittsburgh Pirates and the NHL The Yellow Jackets stopped playing after the USAHA folded at the end of the 1924–25 season. When Schooley encountered financial problems he sold...