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  • Yes, I sat next to you at the K&C lunch in Chicago. I think we have some similar collecting interests, although I don't collect post-1900 periods.
    I like a well-diversified collection both matte and glossy with different periods that interest me. I have quite a bit Aeroart ancient and middle ages figures, the best on the market IMHO... I started with FL last year, only the British Guards... they are a superb manufacturer! Very in tune with collectors desires for quality at a reasonable price. I have some sets of Monarch samurai's as well. They offer a good balance to my matte collection.
    Will you be attending the OTSN again this year? I wasn't planning on attending until I heard that it was the 30th anniversary of that show! My practice is to attend a show only then and again, especially since I have to travel to get to a show. So I might make it out there again! Well, maybe we will meet again at the K&C dinner. In the meantime, happy collecting!

    Regards, Steve
    I feel honored by your request. Thank you very much.

    As you might know, I am rather new to collecting toy soldiers. I am presently collecting Beau Geste: Delhi Durbar (Delhi, 1903), First Legion: German Armies (Borodino, 1812), First Legion: German Army (Stalingrad, 1942), Russian Miniatures: German Knights (1291) and Monarch Regalia: Samurai (Sekigahara, 1600). If you are considering getting into the Honda Clan, you might want to check out my photos from last week under "Monarch Regalia". :)
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