Hussar de la Guardia

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  • I was told you would have information about the limited K & C figures sold only through Kings X. I know there was an Annie Oakley and I think there was a Buffalo Bill and John Wayne. Could you please tell me which figures are in this limited line and is it true the only way to purchase them is if you spend $500 at Kings X? Thank you.


    Art knights1212
    Hello Mike,
    People say we look like brothers, even our co-workers get confused sometimes! I have the pictures but I do not know if I can upload them on to Treefrog but I will try, if not can I email them to you to put on? I would need an email address.
    Martin, I must have been really confused or else Adam really looks a lot like you. "njja" aka John had specifically asked me to take photos of the new King's X exclusives and one of you guys escorted me to a display case. I didn't know, lol. The store, the staff and the hotel was most accomodating. I recommend them to all. If you could post some photos of the figures for John, I would appreciate it. Sorry about the confusion and trying to blame it on you, lol, Michael
    Hello Mike,
    It was my pleasure to meet you and I hope our store and staff meet your expectations. The show was a smashing success for us and we also had a great time!
    Best Regards
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