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  • Hi John,

    Not sure what has happened here but have only just found your message from December last year!!. I don't think anyone is ignoring your suggestions on purpose John I just think quite a few folk get fed up with suggestions these days, but not just yours. I've always found George to be one of the nicest people on the forum so I'm afraid I can't answer that one, I doubt he has been spreading rumours myself. Anyway glad you are back on the forum and I've no idea why your message has only just popped up!

    All the best

    hi John I said some nasty things to you early this year.This was a terrible thing to do to you.I stuck my nose in your bussiness which had nothing to do with me at all.I want to say to you I was out of place here and should of said nothing.I am sorry John and will understand if you never reply to this message.I hope in time you will forgive me.Sorry Simmo.
    No problem John,hope 2010 is a good year for you,all the best

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