Ken & Ericka Osen/H&A Studio

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    Sorry on my part this time{sm4}. I have been working very hard at my (military) school. I just wanted to thank you for the class plans, and say that if you ever decide not to release the figures:wink2:....
    Also, don't forget that last Nap. Christmas street piece...^&cool
    hi kenn.i know you got a lot of work to do.but can you tel me please when the new egyptian soldiers comming out about?best ronald.
    hello ken.great new figures.war and the nile and awi.long time ago you told me that there were comming some egyptian soldiers for the nile war.when come those figures out you think?best ronald.
    hi ken.nice to hear from you.i love youre war along the nile sculptings.wil there be some egyptian soldiers into the next catalog?i have the nile gunboat and crew.but i would love to make the siege of khartoum.its so difficult to find egyptian soldiers in 54mm and matte ronald.
    Hello all,
    We have been very busy here with research and sculpting for the new W. Britain catalog. For those of you asking there will be a new set in the next catalog for the collectors of the War on the Nile range. There will also be a significant offering for both AWI and ACW. Our own H&A brand has several new scenic offerings for the Twentieth Century and two or three coming for our North American range. To my own disappointment, W. Britain did not add to the Christmas range this year, but I still hope to offer something from H&A for it. I sort of have to, as I got my Mother-in-Law hooked on the range and I was empty handed this year!
    Sorry for the delay getting back to everyone.
    All the best,
    hello is your progress on the sudan war?its a great range.cant wait to see more egyptian you think that they are ready next year?best ronald.
    Hey Ken,
    We met at the History Store in Chilicothe a few months back. I finally took the plunge and joined the form. Hope you and Erica are doing well.
    hi ken.i am still enoy the nile gunboat and crew.also a few mahdist i have.wil there come more egyptian soldiers comming this year?
    hi ken.rumors says that the war along the nile retired? no new figures to it true? hope ronald.
    hi ken.i recived my nile gunboat and crew.its a favorites are the told me a while ago that there more egyptians are comming?when can we see the new sculptings?best ronald.
    hi ken long time not spoken.i think you have much work to do?how is your sculpting with the egyptian infantry of the sudan range? i hope my nile boat arrives next week.all the bet ronald.
    hi kenneth.i understand that you only have to put the flag in it.the rest is completed for the boat.i have 3 egyptian defenders by john jenkins.iam waiting now for the boat i ordered.your egyptian soldiers are great it now for sure that next year more egyptians comming? i hope so.i want to make the siege of khartoum.please let me now? all the best ronald.
    hi week the releases of the nile river gunboat comes out.i ordered him a long time you think that i have the nile boat before christmas? are you still working on the egyptian infantry or artillery figures? cant wait to see new figures you sculpted. all the best ronald.
    Hi Ken hope you and Ericka are keeping well? I just read that you have an idea for a winter base for the Christmas set? I like the sound of this would it be something you do for Britains or would we have to order it from your own company? Also was wondering if you will be releasing another Christmas set this year? Maybe a mounted Trooper at Horseguard? All the best Craig :)
    Hello All,
    We have just wrapped up the next W. Britain catalog and I am trying to play catch up with custom commissions. There will be a number of new ACW figures, and we are already working on the winter catalog collection. To answer a couple of questions here... I have had a number of requests for a Hotel facade, so it is on the 'list of things to do'. I also am thinking of a base for the Christmas sets. My in-laws requested it too, so it is closer to the top of the list !
    I was just wondering if you were still interested in making the custom Napoleonic Christmas street section. There is absolutely no rush, but I just wanted to know if this is still a go.
    Many thanks,
    Hi Mr Ken
    Ur buildings are AWSOME
    Is it possible to make Hotel de Lille as a facade
    If it was i would be very interested in one
    I imagine anything is feasable with u so what would be
    the price?
    Thank u for ur time
    Maple Leaf
    Hi all! Richard handed me a copy of the new Winter 2011 catalog last weekend and it is a pretty nice mix of items to support existing ranges. I will also mention that there are many figures that are prototyped that will not be in this catalog, but following ones. There should be at least 4 this year so that we can cut down the time between catalog and delivery to the retailers. I hope you like the new work when you see it.
    All the Best,
    hallo far is the new catalog for febr. 2011? will it come the last week in febr? or march? gr.
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