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  • Hello Kurt, Trying to send you a pm about classified add but your in box is full you must first make space in order to receive it . thanks Gebhard
    Actually, I live just across the city line in Lake Forest. I just put Irvine in my profile since people are more familiar with it. So you're in Virginia, huh? I'm really envious. I lived in a few different states on the East coast when I was a kid (Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut). Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I moved to California in my early 20's that I developed an appreciation for military history or the Civil War specifically. And now somehow I also developed a severe fear of flying, so I can't even visit Virginia now. I looked at your photo albums. Your picture by the river is incredible. Cool basement you got, too.
    Hello Kurt. Irvine Huh? I lived in Orange for a while and worked at Rossmore Leisure World for a bit in the late 70s. I think I still have a cousin that lives in Tustin. Just thought I'ld say howdy.
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