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  • Rob:

    I didnt see this until now. Yeah dude, hope your holidays were Merry. My New Years was a f'ing train wreck. Me and KGB will be in London town for the March show. Hope to catch up with you then dude. Cheers
    Hi Chris, just a quick one to say Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your good lady mate, have a good one!
    Chris, not a problem dude I should have most of the Romans boxed up tonight and hopefully out in tomorrows mail. Take Care.
    Looks like you were right bud!! :) I haven't mailed anything yet. Been a bit busy but certainly plan on it real soon. Take care!!
    Yeah thats my upset for the week. Steelers, Bears and Falcons should be a lock. Guess thats why they play the game. Looking forward to some good NFL games either way. Guess thats all you can hope for when you're a Broncos fan at heart and you're team isnt in the post season. Hoping the new aquistion of coach Fox will change things.
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