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  • Darrell- saw your post. Suffice to say that my families prayers go out to you. As a father of three, I cannot imagine the depths of depression you must be feeling right now. Best wishes and if there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    God Bless!!
    Hi I have seen that you have great artillery samples from the Indian Wars.....join us at the Artillery Crazy social group and let us enjoy your photos...load them to the album and join us.
    Artillery Crazy
    I ordered NAP0031 - NAP0039 plus NAP0042. Were any of these the ones you had issues with? I really like Matt myself.
    Which 10 did you get? I am waiting for the restock to pickup a few in the 046 and up range and trying to save room for the cavalry (soon I hope). My original set had a few production issues but Matt has been great and is going to replace the defective ones as soon as he has the new stock. Seems like a great company to work with, very customer friendly. Having the new Brits will sure be nice.
    I am selling some of my retired K&C Naps in the Collector Classifieds if your interested.
    Great stuff - really enjoyed it. Sorry it took so long to respond - I was taking a break away from all the BS that was being thrown around recently.
    Those are some incredible albums. I love Naps - and your collection is really nice - but the Crusaders just blew me away.
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