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  • Hi,
    Any chance of any of you having come across TAW Artillery sets or TAW and CJB Model vehicles?
    In case you do, please let me know.
    Artillery Crazy
    so how is it with you in the land of my forebears? Do you ever get to the west? Loved Galway. Love to go again.
    hi molloy,
    nicely put buddy. enjoy Greece, and take some pics! but please, try to resist posing as a 300 spartan.. LOL... take care mate..
    hi Molloy, thats alright mate.

    the eastern front is surely understated by the media due to the cold war, but with the collapse of the Soviet union, more facts are revealed amidst the haystack of communist propaganda. Its hard not to be fascinated by the Eastern Front when 90% of the men from the German War Machine banished there.

    To be honest, i dont think the Anglo-Saxon forces could have defeated Nazi Germany without Communist Russia, which are prepared to suffer horrific casualties for victory.

    in the battle for Berlin alone, the rough estimation of Soviet losses was 400000 soldiers! Mind boggling!! Something a Democracy would not accept.

    I had the Battle of Berlin set, and they're a gem.

    And i agree, Downfall is absolutely terrific, and i recommend Stalingrad too.

    Growing up, i was hooked on WW2 films, based on true story like The Longest Day, A Bridge Too Far, Battle of the Bulge and even fictions like Eagle has landed, and Where eagles dare. As they were, the movies tend to over highlight American achievements and downplay the other Allies. The Americans were vital components of the Allied forces, esp with their Land-Lease programme, and were key to the defeat of the Axis. but they wouldn't have won the won on their own, even with the A bomb.

    my 2 cents.


    nasir kasmani.
    Here's to the best for you and Ali!!

    Wow!! What a day!! We had a tragedy here in our Central Pa area- around July 4th, a family lost their 5 month old baby. The poor child just simply stopped breathing altogether at their daycare. My wife owns her own daycare center with approximately 30 kids. The family is next door neighbors of some former clients and good friends. They have a 3 year old boy who they are still up in the air about placing in daycare. Of course, their neighbor (our former client), recommended us. We met with the family today. Terrible stuff man. The parents are still kind of just shellshocked. They discussed the funeral- very sad for them. I tell you man, you never realize how precious life is until you loose it and then once you realize it, it's gone unfortunately :((

    So, enough of the heavy stuff. Your pops collects BUSES?? :)) Like 1:1 scale or something smaller like Corgi?? That is just the best. You know, we accountant types have quite the different personalities. Everyone thinks we are weird, anal and not very friendly but some of the craziest people I have run across are in this profession. You gotta fill me in on the bus thing though- that is TOO funny!!

    Well, I'm off to bed. Take care bud!! CC
    Well mate, i'm a WW2 geek, and the eastern front is my real cup of tea. But the rest campaigns: normandy, afrika, italy, also fascinated me. That's why i dont dare venture out of WW2, i'm already struggling as it is! But maybe i'll get napoleans tent. Thats cool.
    Hey bud!! Thanks for the very kind words. He is doing just fine right now and I appreciate the kind words. History is a great choice- wish I had the guts to go to school for it.

    Loved our stay in Dublin. We stayed at the Gresham. Did all the tourist things- Glendalough, Dublin Castle and loved every minute of it. Was surprised at how it seems like the city closed up around 9 pm or so. Throughly loved Dubliners- some of the nicest people I have ever met very very kind people.

    We also went to Galway and Cork
    hi ya mate, greece is a cracking place, if i can save up, i'll go there. but my funds keep running like water away from me. K&C really is killing my ambition for world travel. But for this month, I'm really keen on the Figarti V2 and V1 series. i think they're an excellent variation from the normal WW2 series. i'm a WW2 buff. how bout you mate?
    Hey bud!! My 2 year old has been quite ill- the doctors were thinking he may have Leukemia- we were also looking at surgery for him. Fortunately, things are quite ok at the moment- he is still getting into all sorts of trouble. It was a very trying time for me to say the least. Something I'd really rather not go through again.

    BTW- What are you studying?? I hope it isn't Accounting (LOL- that's what I do)- there has to be a more honest way to earn a living. Do you go to Trinity University there in Dublin??
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