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  • Thanks Njja. All this recent offensive avatar business reminded me of your signature. As a long suffering Orioles fan I find your Yankee signature offensive HOWEVER in the spirit of "building bridges" I'll overlook it! Cheers CFM.
    Focusing on toys from 1950's. Fine tuning my knowledge, I will be back shortly.
    My pleasure! Hope it arrives and passes through customs in short order!
    Yo John! And thanks for the request! Of course! Why haven´t i thought of this! And BTW - tanks for the T&T. Hopeful it arrives soon! Looking forward. Thanks!
    Vick, I sent you a PM on the Figarti Tent. I highly recommend it and the medical version. I would certainly pick one up before they are sold out!
    John, had a question about the Figarti regular tent, does it work in a European setting? All the pics I've seen show it with deset figures, and I'm thinking about purchasing?:confused:

    Thanks John
    I will be adding more pictures when I get some more free time. I have done several more dioramas in the last couple of months. I have one for Britains Zulus and then K&C D Day British & American. Up to 4 display cases and I think that may be pushing the limits.
    Well, John, I put the first pictures of Brazil in the thread, I started with my own state, Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in Brazil. Hope you like them!
    Hi, John! I created a thread on Travelling to Brazil on the Miscelaneous area. Hope you like it! Cheers...
    The LAH sets remain popular. My dealer tells me he has just aquired a new customer from Harding. Harding is a sleepy little farming village just below the mountains of Lesotho. So it gets really cold in winter. Anyway this collector has just placed a 3000 USD order for figures. Guess which range. You are correct, LAH
    Vietnam sets are cool. Personally I think they more than the early Arnhem sets pointed the way forward for K and C.
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