Northgate Woods

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  • Hi Howard I hope you had a great Christmas. I have started many diorama's for your collection. I saw your amazing collection but very few diorama's. Mine aren't top shelf but may fill some empty spaces for you. Good luck for the new year mate and I am trying to make multi purpose diorama's that you can fit into your huge collection.

    I enlisted so I'm heading off as a Private Second Class (E-2). My MOS (Job) is Infantryman, and then I have an Ranger contract attached with my job, so I attend Airborne School and Ranger Selection Program after Infantry One Station Unit Training (Infantry Basic). My dad was a Ranger Infantry Officer so I'll be following in his footsteps just as an enlisted personal. My older brother however was commissioned as a second lt. back in May and is now in Ordnance Corp officer basic and then he'll be off to EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) school.
    Hey Howard! Hope everything is great in Oz! Taking off in a few weeks to begin my new life in the Army!
    Ha mate I was thinking about going to the big US toy show next year and maybe you could show me around. Are you going next year ? It's still just a idea for me and I have not talked about it to the one who must be obeyed. Maybe just only a dream for me but you just never no. I would need a good Twelth months to save and get things happening. Maybe .Simmo.
    Hello mate all has calmed down form your last post. A very snappy bunch aren't they. A good read thow and it got people talking. Regards Chris.
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