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  • Kevin ,

    I found a web site you can go to & upload pictures from your computer to the site...shrink them & then save them on your computer so you can upload them on TreeFrog...The site is
    I just uploaded a new album...finished repainting two old Britains Deetail Motorcycles w/side cars & i am now working on the crew...should have them done in a few days...stop by my page & check them out...

    Kevin ,

    I was also having trouble uploading pictures...What i did was after they were downloaded to my computer i had to send them thru my work email because it gives me the option to make the pictures smaller...

    Kevin ,
    Thanks , for checking out my modeling builds , & for the compliment as well...Can't wait to see your other work you had completed...I think the best part about this forum is sharing your projects & ideas...Seeing what other members are working on & getting feedback...Also check out Mitch's profile page , he has albums to look at... he is fantastic at conversions & repaints & projects...

    Kevin...Thought that outdoor diorama with the DAK chasing down Indiana Jones was awesome...Why don't you create an album on your profile page & show some of your models off...I just posted a new album with my past builds on my page...stop by & check them out...Take care...

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