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  • Sorry for your loss. She looks like a sweet girl
    Our girl is a mini schnauzer. Very friendly. Still a puppy, our last dog passed away 2 years ago.
    Best wishes and hope to see some pics.
    Happy Holidays!
    Hello Paddy!

    Forgive me for such a late response to your comment on my visitor page. I've had a busy last 4 months!
    Thank you for your compliment to my dog. Her name is Marley, and she was a Swiss Husky. She passed away a few months ago, at age 14 :(
    Your doggo looks real cute too! Looks like a friendly dog :D
    I also saw what you said about how the collectors here would appreciate more "action pictures" so I will be sure to post more!
    Thank you for your compliments and friendly message on my page, see you soon!
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