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  • Hi There,

    Next time I pass through the area on a visit to my folks in the Berkshires I will let you know so we can meet. I would be very intherested to see your work up close. I am in Washington State right now and we hope to be moving to Germany in the not too distant future but that will of course be up to the Army and where they think my wife can best serve. I have a few sets of flats but they are mainly Christmas Themed sets from Germany that go up during the holidays. Also I totoally understand the not wanting to mess around on the web when you can be doing other things. I usually am on line late in the evening so that when I tend to post photos like I did of the Matte Glossy figures from the Durbar.

    Take care


    I'd be happy to post some of my figures - Durbar and otherwise. Problem is TIME! I hate screwing around on the internet when I could be painting or displaying. But I will get to it. Thanks for your interest. Where are you located now? Any chance you will be back in the area here anytime soon? I'd love to meet you and buy you a beer.
    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the kind words. My avatar is a flat figure of Frank Frazetta's famous Death Dealer painting. I painted it a few years ago (are you familiar with flats?), and am a big fan of Frank's. I've done other flats of his work. I have been painting flats and military miniatures for the last 30+ years. Been collecting and painting toy soldiers since I was 7.

    I live in West Springifeld, MA. and belong to the CT Vally Miniature Figure Collectors Club, a group of toy soldier collectors and miniature painters that's been around almost 40 years! We put on exhibits at the Ct VAlley Historical Museum at the Quadrangle in Springfield. If you look in the Dioramas section under "Springfield, MA Museum Display" you will see some of the scenes from our latest exhibit. I have been posting these here and plan to do all 20 vignettes.
    Hi There,

    I like the avatar you use we used it when I was stationed at Ft Hood back in the 80's as part of Phantom Corps. But the real reason I came by was to ask where you live and to see if you will post some of you collection photos in an albumn here. I grew up in Western Mass and am always interested in meeting folks from there who have similar interests and We are both Durbar collectors. Check out some of my collection at my user page in the albumns there. Hope to hear from you soon

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