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  • Hi Sotnik

    I`ve just checked out your photo`s from the link you sent me. Mate ,they are fantastic , i`ve always been a big fan of your work. I hope to see even more in 2011.

    Wishing you a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to you and your loved ones.

    Very best wishes Mark
    Hi Sotnik

    Any New Naps In your stocking this year,?

    I`ve been working away in Scotland for a few months , so i would love to catch up on whats been happening on the forum .

    Very best wishes Mark
    Hi BUDDY!
    I was just wandering is your user name SOTNIK an abbreviation for something in particular?.

    Best wishes MARK
    Hi Sotnik
    I've just checked out your photos in your albums!!! Breath taking my friend!!!.

    Best wishes Mark
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