Tony Neville
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  • A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch.
    Hi mate
    How was your mum and dad when they got back from holiday
    How did the special event go
    Regards Scott
    Hows the showroom mate ,got any new dioramas .
    Looking forward to coming down again but this time i will probably stay the night and have a nosy about Durham with Pauline + Iona
    Best Regards Scott
    Hello Tony
    How are you after long fight in hospital hopefully you are feeling better
    Do you think k+c will do winter 88mm in future
    Regards Scott
    Sorry to let you down but it looks like I will be able to get teh Rommel Horch from my local supplier. I would liek to cancle my order for that. I am still on for the Crimea stuff
    Hi mate,have just added you to my friends its you,Jennifer Anniston and Eva Longoria....but all for very different reasons!!!
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