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  • Hi Frank,
    Sorry that I have taken so long to reply.My wife and I have been in the States for a few weeks.We hit a deer at 60mph just outside Gettysburg and wrecked our hire car.Luckily nobody was hurt(apart from the deer).Regarding Panzer data,certain units continued to forward information to higher HQ right up until the end of the war,although the bulk transfere of data generally finished in march /april.What specific units did you have in mind?If you let me know I will do my best for you.
    Hi Jeff, It's been a while since we've spoken. I wanted to let you know I just received the remaining volumes of the Ardennes Panzer Strengths to complete the set (you'd sent me 4C). This is very well laid out data and I wanted to let you know I consider this very valuable information. I also recently revisited the photocopies of the German documents you sent me and I truly find them fascinating.

    Can you tell me if you have information for the units involved in the battle of Berlin? I realize April is pushing things as everything started to break down.

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