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  • Hey bud how's tricks? Not heard from you much layely, hope all is well!

    Was wondering if you'd be able to help me with a repaint? I purchased the RAF radio operator figute and was hoping that maybe you'd be able to repaint it for me as a British paratrooper for my Arnhem dio?

    Just needs a red beret and the bd blouse he has to be repainted in denison colours?

    Let me know if this sounds ok mate!

    If you don't have the time it's absolutely fine bud! :)

    Aw gutted I missed you mate! Yeah I was there bud, my group had 30 odd tents up, a huge medical awning and 2 squad tents put together! Glad you enjoyed it mate! And yeah man, the Vulcan was meant to come last year but it never so was great to see it this year!^&grin

    I'm glad you enjoyed it mate, and no worries I will wait till your back mate so you don;t have to worry about getting it! Take lots of photos mate and enjoy yourself!^&grin Looking forward to hearing from you when you;re back and seeing thew photos of the show and Normandy!^&grin

    Scott, you;re inbox was full bud! ;D
    Hello Simon
    Dont know if your mailbox is full mate
    How are you getting on with painting ,how does the plane look
    Regards Scott
    Ironically enough, we bought blu ray players with the fire insurance money- My son found Top Gun and we almost.....almost pulled the trigger and snagged it- I love that flick!! :) Funny thing- I had just sent you that VM busting your stones about getting older and I go to my hotmail account and there is a spam mail "Meet Senior singles in your area!!!" ***??? That is hilarious!!
    BTW- Wearing retro 1985 Top Gun T shirts to toy soldier shows doesn't make you look any younger!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :) I saw that picture of you with that shirt and I had d.amn Kenny Loggins Top Gun song stuck in my head all night!! Thanks bro !!!!
    Poor Rob!! :) It's all good- on closer review of the picture, it looked like the night shift was sporting a bannana hammock so SHE might have been a really hot HE!!! GAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!^&grin
    Yeah, those do look like metal shed and they cost a small mint. I am thinking those hummers would be in the $300-$400 range. That is a tough nut to crack no doubt. Also, it looked like Del Prado was in some of the pictures with some modern figure pics as well. Will have to keep an eye out at the Gettysburg show. I have a feeling, if Figarti is going to do a Bradley, we will see it at Chicago. With FL doing Romans, man I AM DROWNING with figures to buy!! It's a good thing!! :)
    Nicely. Glad you had a momentary panic attack re the Bradley, makes the effort worthwhile :p
    As for Rob as the am shift, I don't care how many beers I've had, there's no way I can make the nightshift out of an am Rob (although in my younger days, it may have been close :eek:)

    The night shift apparently had a thing for US Airborne dudes, but I forgot and said I didn't know any. Sorry mate ^&grin

    Look forward to a complete 4 out of 4.
    I'd love to do the same, but I've got 5 of the FOV Abrams, and would really be struggling to justify a secong Figarti one. I really ned to set something up with those, the Bradleys (FOV ^&grin) and Humvees. Would make for a great armoured convoy shot.

    I think the Humvees and Bradley in the Lt's photo are metal shed. They looked pretty neat, but on one of the close ups of the Panther, I think I saw a sticker price of $700!!!
    Might have to give those a miss.......
    we are at half company strength- 2 down/ 2 to go. Re the Bradley- my heart did skip a beat- then I saw the barmaid and it skipped a couple more times. You could have scored a lot of humor points by posting a pic of Rob at the bar as "morning" the second lass as "Afternoon" and the third as "Evening" :)
    I have been buying Barszo buildings. Light and affordable for modifications as I see fit. The KC buildings are nice but look a little too clean. I am buying the Figarti battle damaged ones too. Still not sure on the Britains ones though I like the Secundra Bagh wall set. The other two, not so sure- they are nice but will need to see them first. They are a bit salty on the wallet. Not sold on the three civilians either.
    Speaking of mullets, a buddy of mine from HS caught up with me on Facebook- he was known as "Mullet Mike" in the day. Now the boy has broads 10-15 years younger than him hanging around him- like some kind of mullet harem!! :)
    yeah...or it's all that plastique she has strapped to her waist!! AHHH!! I think she is the same woman that came with one of the Normandy farmhouses he did- she doesn't look very Iraqi to me :) It's a fun set- you've got a big momma Iraqi woman, a half naked baby bottom and Mary praying over the US Army medic helping her son- dare I say it might be the Baby Jesus!! :)))) Later!!
    I hope so. that would be great. Is it me or does Figarti's figures appear to be getting smaller?? I recently picked up that "helping the civilians" set and the broad is bigger than my Abrams crew!! :)
    any anticipation over Figarti's west coast show in march?? The do most of their releases then don't they?? Got the fingers crossed for the Bradley!!
    that's interesting. When we did full division train ups in the desert at FT iRWIN California, the 113 could not keep up with the big boys- think of a Yugo and Ferrrari- funny but not far off. The operators would always try to keep up but they would eventually blow torsion bars or what not. They just couldn't do it. I suspect the units that made the big dance with them in 2003 did so more because they hadn't been reassigned new equipment. FWIW, they are workhorses- just a little outdated, but workhorses- a roomie of mine ran over a land mine in the Persian Gulf- blew up right underneath him as the driver- he didn't take a scratch!! The vehicle was back in the fight a couple months later!!
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