Treefrog Treasures

I would mind him in my collection, I could give him a 'lick of paint' :)
The Major
The Major
Hmmm He is not bad at all considering the age and time of level of skill in our Hobby. Pete made very good figures. Check your E Mail please wink
The Major
The Major
I tried contacting the Dennisons and the others about the figures and some "Missing" Rosedale items too. Alas It seems they succumbed to the dreaded SARS Covid 19....Sniff. Rosedale has some of their or Petes work in amongst it.....I hoped to ressurrect more of it
The Major
The Major
As "usual" when Abram and Ana "sold" us the Rosedale range, "surprise" !!! yes, bits "missing ina ction" once again (read NO ACTION Grrrrr
The Major
The Major
If I can get a Green light, I am ready to re make this little fellow and sell him again....