Treefrog Treasures

The Major
The Major
We are actively re assembeling all the pieces for the BOFORS Anti Aircraft Gun Kit. We had to search through a lot of Freezer bags the Simonss ent to us, all containing Muddled up mixed up parts . Interesting....
The Major
The Major
The "majority" of the Bofors WW2 40 MM Gun and carriage parts castings are present, though some inevitably are "missing". I recovered Tool A and Tool B thankfully, so casting new parts is possible again. Masters are a chaotic muddle of Plastic Dave Love Alain Caton originals and Metal "Kaputnik" sub masters.
The Major
The Major
Rosedale " 54 mm Masters" for the Medieval Crecy Knights seem sadly NOT to have generaly survived, and we only found FOUR original Masters. Happily I did just cast from this Mould, still in good condition, and will have to replace the "lost" masters from detailed "Castings. Other MUCh earlier masters have happily survived .
The Major
The Major
Ive found a lot of high quality pieces of work from Al Charles. Some dating back to 1977 ! His work really is the state of maximum credible skill in our Craft. We bought other items from Als friend when she cleared out his UK Workshop four years back. Including never before issued figures we will issue.
The Major
The Major
Rosedale did not survive its time with the kaput guys unscathed, and we did find to our disgust, a fine set of 90 MM ACW Confedeerate "masters" which appear to have been maliciously smashed to pieces around a year ago just before shipment to us....I will upload the photo.