Search results

  1. Builtrite

    East of India Colonial Collection (Boxer Rebellion) FOR SALE

    Ccc402 hand has seperated from wrist that holds gun $30 ccc401 boxer flag bearer $40.00 ccc403 manchu warriors $75.00(i have 2 sets, they are $75.00 each. I will post pics of both.) ccc404 kansu warriors $75.00 (i have 2 sets, they are $75.00 each. I will post pics of both.) one set there is a...
  2. Builtrite

    Britains WWI sets for sale

    17703 is sold. $100.00. Gets the remaining set plus $10.00 for shipping.
  3. Builtrite

    Britains WWI sets for sale

    Here are the remaining sets.
  4. Builtrite

    Britains WWI sets for sale

    Shipping continued. Having tech issues. 4-5 sets is $8 for shipping 6 or more sets will be $10 for shipping.
  5. Builtrite

    Britains WWI sets for sale

    These are the sets for sale. All sets are $ 20.00 each. 17949 17898 17914 23003 17820 17703 17899 17951 23004 17870 17690 17674 Pm me if interested. Shipping is as follows Free shipping for 1 set $5 for 2-3 sets $for 4-5 sets
  6. Builtrite

    Imperial Zulu War sets for sale

    Sets sold have been deleted from the list...Thank you to the Treefroggers that are giving these the sets a new home..
  7. Builtrite

    Imperial Zulu War sets for sale

    set #29 Zulu indlondlo $85.0075.00 set #30 Zulu uthulwana $85.00 75.00 set #31 Zulu umbonumbi $85.00 75.00 set #32 91st Highlanders $85.0075.00 set #33 Mounted Officer 91st highlanders $50.0030.00 set #37 Zulu indluyenglue $85.0075.00 set #38 Mounted Zulu Chief with rifle. $50.0030.00 set...
  8. Builtrite

    T. Gunn Normandy Hetzer, Puma, and Para sets

    GC006(A)FJ Reload (reglued to base) $15.00 FJ002A RIFLE SECTION NORMANDY $35.00 FJ003A RIFLE SECTION NORMANDY $35.00 FJ008B FJ TANK RIDERS NORMANDY $40.00 TGM004A MORTAR SET NORMANDY $50.00 I want to get these sets out of here. $125 for all 5 sets plus $10.00 for shipping. PM if interested.
  9. Builtrite

    T. Gunn Normandy Hetzer, Puma, and Para sets

    These sets are still available
  10. Builtrite

    T. Gunn Normandy Hetzer, Puma, and Para sets

    GC006(A)FJ Reload (reglued to base) $15.00 FJ002A RIFLE SECTION NORMANDY $35.00 FJ003A RIFLE SECTION NORMANDY $35.00 FJ008B FJ TANK RIDERS NORMANDY $40.00 TGM004A MORTAR SET NORMANDY $50.00 Shipping is as follows: Buy 1 set and it's $5.00. Buy 2-3 sets and it's $10.00 Buy 4-5 sets and...
  11. Builtrite

    T. Gunn Normandy Hetzer, Puma, and Para sets

    Tgm006A, fj005B, fj007A, Puma all sold.
  12. Builtrite

    T. Gunn Normandy Hetzer, Puma, and Para sets

    New prices on sets. The prices listed above are the new price. Send me a message if interested.
  13. Builtrite

    T. Gunn Normandy Hetzer, Puma, and Para sets

    New prices on figure sets. Take $10.00 off of each set. $35.00 now $25.00. $75.00 is now $65.00 etc... The two vehicles drop down to $120.00 a piece. Send me a message.