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  1. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Steve (Horus)

    Wishing you a wonderful Birthday and hope all is well. Your contribution to the forum has been most appreciated by many over the years. Thank you !
  2. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Robin (Villagehorse)

    Robin; Hope all is well with you and yours . . . and that you have a wonderful Birthday !!! Amazing how I come back to track down some of the majestic dioramas you entertained so many with over the years. Stay safe !
  3. Ivanhoe

    The Toy Army Men which Scammed America

    Thank you for posting . . . Had not seen this video. Like he said, I too was most impressed by the Ads in the late 50s & early 60s for these sets, particularly the American Revolution set. Fortunately never fell for this.
  4. Ivanhoe

    Battle of Hastings 1066

    Mike; ‘That’ is so very magnificent ! The staging and photography is amazing . . . Took some time and money. Beautiful job. As an admirer of most things Medieval, I thank you very much for posting.
  5. Ivanhoe

    A Cowboy Christmas

    This is really cool. Thank you for posting.
  6. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Julie

    Julie; Hope this finds you well and that you have a wonderful Birthday ! Will attempt to send some warmer weather your way.
  7. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Mike (Mestell)

    Mike; Hope all is well and you have a wonderful birthday ! Also wishing you a snowless and iceless Birthday. Take care.
  8. Ivanhoe

    Behind the Scenes...

    Rob; This made me smile ! Thank you.
  9. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Old Bill !

    Roy; Hope you have a wonderful Birthday ! You have been one of the best over the years, always liked your posts and especially enjoyed your conversions. Wishing you a great day and hope all is going well with you and family.
  10. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Mike Miller!

    Michael; A belated Happy Birthday ! Hope you are well.
  11. Ivanhoe

    U - Boat Tank Killers

    Steve; This is very interesting, so much information available now days. Most of what some of us thought we learned in the days of printed history has turned out to be ‘pretty top-of-the-waves’. Thank you for posting.
  12. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Thank you Julie ! This way, my smile extended to two days !
  13. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Ivanhoe!

    Roy, Robin, Steve, Mike & Louis; Thank you so very much for the Birthday greetings, from such distinguished gentlemen ! Steve, I had not seen a William Tell episode in ages ! - Thank you, I shall enjoy watching. Hoping that this year is not as eventful, health-wise, for me, as the last two...
  14. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Robin (Villagehorse)

    Robin; Still do not know if I have date exactly correct...However HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Hope all is well and you have a wonderful day. You keep a lot of people interested in the Forum - Thank you.
  15. Ivanhoe

    time on my hands at last

    Robin; Before these Posts, I did not know that "U-Boat Envy" was a real thing ! Thank you.
  16. Ivanhoe

    Andy & the Fighting Falklands Para's - LTSS

    Roy; You must have enjoyed this greatly ! Right up your alley. Thank you for posting.
  17. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Julie

    Julie; Hope all is well and you have an excellent Birthday !!
  18. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Mike (Mestell)

    Mike; Wishing you a wonderful Birthday and hoping all is well ! Hopefully the 8.5 inches of snow we received last week missed you. Have a Great Day !
  19. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Old Bill (Roy)

    Roy; Hope you have a wonderful Birthday! Keep doing all the things you enjoy, that is what makes up a great life. Stay safe.
  20. Ivanhoe

    Happy Birthday Mike Miller

    Michael; Wishing you progress on your recovery and a very Happy Birthday ! Hope your weather down there is moving towards Summer...if you need a Smile, the photo below is out our front window a week ago this evening.