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  1. tmanthegreat

    The Arado E.555 Amerikabomber

    I recently received a long awaited wooden aircraft model from Thomas Gunn: the Arado E.555 Amerikabomber 😎 For a little history, the Arado E.555 was a long range strategic bomber proposed by the German Arado aircraft company during World War II in response to the RLM's Amerikabomber project...
  2. tmanthegreat


    I’ve got to hand it to Thomas Gunn and their workshop for always making such unique aircraft models. I like the ME-509, Vindicator, and can hear the theme song to MASH in my head when looking at those beautiful Bell H-13s 😎
  3. tmanthegreat

    The Sturmpanzer IV “Brummbär”

    Thanks OzDigger! I’ve got the TGM Brummbar as well, but it’s packed away out in my garage at the moment. Echoing what Hunter Rose said, the War Park Brummbar may be slightly larger, but my first impression is that they’re pretty close… If I can get to my TGM model easily enough, I’ll try to post...
  4. tmanthegreat

    The Sturmpanzer IV “Brummbär”

    I’ve not seen anyone post pics of War Park’s new Brummbär Assault Gun yet, so here are some of my little display with the vehicle. The model is a good effort and has some nice features like opening hatches and rolling tracks. The painting band weathering are better than on War Park’s Normandy...
  5. tmanthegreat

    War Below Zero...

    Yikes, -6 is definitely cold! It was a balmy 60 degrees out west in central California today… Even ran my car’s AC at one point, LOL! But fantastic diorama with the War Park Pak 43 and crew 😎
  6. tmanthegreat

    Flak in action

    Fantastic scene, Mike! The W. Britain 88mm Flak gun is a fantastic model. I’ve got both the first version on the carriage and the late war rebuild variants; the latter being my favorite 😎
  7. tmanthegreat

    Display Question

    Years before I got into the premium 1/30 scale toy soldiers, I collected 1/18 scale 21st Century Toys armor and planes and 1/32 scale FOV armor, but outside a couple of the old FOV diorama sets, displayed those vehicles sitting in rows on a shelf. When I got into seriously collecting 1/30 scale...
  8. tmanthegreat

    Black Horse Cavalry, 1st Manassas

    That’s a dramatic and well constructed scene, Ken 😎
  9. tmanthegreat

    Buford's Knoll, The Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863

    Awesome display, Mike! Your terrain looks fantastic and blends perfectly with the background image (something I need to try out with my dioramas). I also like your use of the wood display base. I like my frames as they can contain dirt snd other bits, but the bases with the beveled edges always...
  10. tmanthegreat

    Some remarks about the future Hetzer BB078

    I kind of suspected that the winter Hetzer was likely an Eastern Front vehicle as opposed to one from the Ardennes Offensive, if anything because it is completely whitewashed, which didn’t seem as common on vehicles in the Ardennes… I kind of want that whitewashed Hetzer even more now 😉
  11. tmanthegreat

    Some action shots

    Awesome pics, Issac! I share Mike’s thoughts about those new Kharkov Russians being fantastic figures! I may need to get a few myself after seeing them in your photos 😉
  12. tmanthegreat

    Making a Stand

    Very well done, Duke! Those GIs look very resolute in holding their position.
  13. tmanthegreat

    SM 81 Pipistrello

    What a beautiful model and thanks for sharing 😃
  14. tmanthegreat

    A Brief Pause

    Awesome pics and beautiful setup, Tom! I have both those same FL tanks and have had them out on display continuously since I got them back in 2019. The Normandy Panther is still one of my favorite tanks in 1/30 scale 😎
  15. tmanthegreat

    What's Coming in Jan/Feb?

    I’m looking forward to seeing the new SPG and crew figures as well as the Warbirds. I know of one coming that will be impressive, but I’ll keep quiet for now 😉
  16. tmanthegreat

    Merry Christmas from Staliingrad

    Great scene, Mike! I really like your rubble effect and use of the War Park building for the backdrop. As always, the FL figures look fantastic 😃
  17. tmanthegreat

    Along the Emmitsburg Road, Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863

    That’s a dynamic scene and beautiful vignette, Dragoon!
  18. tmanthegreat

    ‘Nam Revisited - New Display with the First Legion M113 APCs

    Thanks OzDigger! I can’t say enough good about Last Post Miniatures’ palm trees, both the desert and jungle varieties. Their other tree species don’t look quite as realistic those from the competition (JG/Sheffield Miniatures makes much more realistic pine and oak trees, for example) but LPM...
  19. tmanthegreat

    ‘Nam Revisited - New Display with the First Legion M113 APCs

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments! I really appreciate it and glad that we have such a supportive community here on Treefrog 😊 It’s funny as this display came about almost spur of the moment Thursday evening/early Friday morning when I decided to redo the original diorama from early...
  20. tmanthegreat

    ‘Nam Revisited - New Display with the First Legion M113 APCs

    The other day I revised my original display of the First Legion M113 APCs from March 2023 to include some different jungle foliage and improved terrain, including mud vehicle tracks and soil. I also added some more infantry figures as well. These First Legion M113s are some of my favorite...