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  1. tmanthegreat

    Heading towards Kharkov… The Stug III Ausf. G

    John has done a fantastic job on his latest bit of WWII armor, the German Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. G (Initial Production) model. It looks great in the classic panzer grey and features his usual attention to detail and functionality. Given the model is intended to represent a vehicle from the...
  2. tmanthegreat

    Gentlemen, make ready......the charge

    Wonderful photos and beautiful scenes, REVWARBUFF! Excellent terrain and everything blends seamlessly into your background.
  3. tmanthegreat

    Santa and his Sopwith Camel

    Nice work, Corey! You’ve found a great use for John’s “Baron Von Santa” figure 😎
  4. tmanthegreat

    New StuG, love the grey

    Mike, the new Stug looks great! A nice variation on John’s previous two releases. Mine should be here any day now and I’m trying to decide which of my two Kharkov dioramas it should go in…
  5. tmanthegreat

    Some remarks about the future Hetzer BB078

    Mastercom10, I completely agree on the critical thinking being an essential element in a forum like this. Several years back, it was almost like I committed blasphemy, or at least engendered incredulousness, when I criticized the John Jenkins P-51D aircraft model. I even went as far as posting...
  6. tmanthegreat


    Wayne, are you a spokesperson for Thomas Gunn now? Beautiful Warbirds releases this month for sure! I like the B-17, but will hold out for some upcoming releases next year and maybe one day plan to finish my super-detailed HK Models 1/32 scale B-17G kit…
  7. tmanthegreat

    Some remarks about the future Hetzer BB078

    Rivet counting at its finest, lol! Nevertheless, it is really great to see they’ve got the markings and camouflage patterns correct this time and I can’t wait to see this Hetzer in person in a few weeks 😎
  8. tmanthegreat

    Treasures of Cairo

    Great pic, Rob! Those DAK figures look just as perfect with those relics as would one of the period/Egyptian figures. Nice setup!
  9. tmanthegreat

    FL Cherry popped

    Great pics, Wayne! Glad to see you finally got the FL T-34/85… It’s an awesome model and I’m very happy with mine 😎
  10. tmanthegreat

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    Wonderful photos, Frank! I like the looks of the incoming Panzer IV F2!
  11. tmanthegreat

    Trudging through the Snow… A Panzer IV in the Ardennes Offensive

    Thank you for the kind compliments, Gebhard and REVWARBUFF, I appreciate it 😃 REVWARBUFF, while I’ve long used bits from my yard in dioramas (e.g. fragments of wood chips and stucco to form rubble), I’ve only more recently started using loose sifted sand/dirt, soil, twigs, as well as model...
  12. tmanthegreat

    Trudging through the Snow… A Panzer IV in the Ardennes Offensive

    This is a more compact variation on a larger diorama I made back in January of this year featuring the latest FL Battle of the Bulge German Tank Riders hitching a ride on the FL Panzer IV Ausf. H model. As the tank with all the riders is almost a diorama unto itself, I decided to place it in a...
  13. tmanthegreat

    War Park New Release in November - Grossdeutschland Panzer IV F2 “=1”

    I agree, there is something classic about the German Panzer Grey color… I think it ties in with the perception (propaganda?) stemming from the Blitzkrieg campaigns and the seeming invincibility of the German Army in the popular imagination. And from a model building perspective, solid grey is...
  14. tmanthegreat

    War Park New Release in November - Grossdeutschland Panzer IV F2 “=1”

    I like the looks of this tank. Perfect for some of the 1942 “Case Blau” campaigns with Army Group South on the Eastern Front. I saw on Facebook that there were some new Whermacht tank crew figures previewed… When will those be released?
  15. tmanthegreat

    The Blitz and the Kleinstjäger

    Showing some pics of the new, not yet officially released, Arado AR-234 with an Arado E.381 Kleinstjäger parasite fighter from Thomas Gunn Miniatures. It’s a beautiful and very interesting model! The Arado E.381 Kleinstjager (smallest fighter) was a proposed rocket-powered parasite fighter...
  16. tmanthegreat

    New Releases for December 2024 - The Second World War

    It’s great to finally see this Stug III being released! It will work great with the War Park or First Legion Kharkov figures… And the USAAF pilots look pretty nice too!
  17. tmanthegreat

    A Little Western Diorama

    Fantastic display! I like your use of the Gunn mat and the Team Miniatures (?) building ruin. Great to see one of your coffee table displays as well 😎
  18. tmanthegreat

    A Beautiful Panzer III

    I’m really tempted to get that upcoming Panzer III Ausf. N. While I’ve got a couple of the War Park models already, the upcoming FL model just looks amazing 😎
  19. tmanthegreat

    Praetorian Base Camp

    Fantastic setup, Rob! However, I’ve got a question: Are your Praetorians sitting around plotting to depose the current emperor and then install one to their liking - or sell off the imperial throne to the highest bidder? That actually did happen 🤣
  20. tmanthegreat

    Военно-морской флот СССР

    These figures look fantastic! Nice setup, too, Wayne. I like how they’re in marching poses. Would be neat to get some regular Red Army figures in similar poses eventually.