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  1. tmanthegreat


    Thank you, Mark 😃
  2. tmanthegreat

    Romans in Battle

    Lovely pics, Rob! I particularly like the Gladiator figure, but they are all works of art 😎
  3. tmanthegreat

    A bit of fun

    Very creative work, Wayne!
  4. tmanthegreat


    Some beautiful releases this months! I like that A-26 Counter Invader. It’s a very striking scheme and perfect for the various Vietnam War ranges. I did get the ME-262HGIII and it’s a well done model and neat design I’ve also have another AR-234 (in a different scheme that’s not been released...
  5. tmanthegreat

    The Provocative Side

    Fun pics, Rob! I’m particularly a fan of your Roman scenes 😎
  6. tmanthegreat


    Neat to see a WWI diorama from you, Wayne!
  7. tmanthegreat

    Need Help with JJD Corsair

    Great advice here, Noli Poli and Horseman! I’m going to be disassembling my JJD Corsair as well, so this was useful info.
  8. tmanthegreat

    A little late to the party, but I finally got my Tiger, too!

    Thanks Mike! I can’t wait to see your results! It’s always a tough call having to fix a premium model like this as you don’t want to over do the weathering and ruin the model. I was tempted to go further and add more weathering effects on my Tiger, but decided not to. The application of...
  9. tmanthegreat

    On the Way to Victory - The T-34/85

    Thanks for the kind comments, everyone, I really appreciate it 😃 The latest First Legion tanks have been excellent and among my favorites from the recent slate of AFV releases across the various manufacturers. FL has definitely upped their quality and it’s good to see them back in the game in...
  10. tmanthegreat

    STOP YA..................................

    Fantastic setup, Wayne! I really like how you’re showing off your halftrack in such a lovely setting!
  11. tmanthegreat

    A little late to the party, but I finally got my Tiger, too!

    Over the last couple days, I attempted some basic weathering on my War Park Normandy Tiger using some filters and washes to better blend colors and reduce the bright/bleached look of the camouflage as seen on the stock model. I used a couple Ammo Mig filters and washes intended for specifically...
  12. tmanthegreat

    On the Way to Victory - The T-34/85

    I have wanted a T-34/85 in proper 1/30 scale for years and First Legion has exceeded my expectations with their new LWG045 model. It is stunning! The paint work and weathering are well done and I love the faded green color (the tank appears “greener” in actuality compared to what’s seen in my...
  13. tmanthegreat

    A Beautiful Panzer III

    Thank you everyone for the kind compliments on my display with the new FL Panzer III 😃 The tank is really a great model! Of the few models I’ve had come in at all about the same time this month, this Panzer III was definitely one of my favorites. Aside from a few goofs, First Legion has been on...
  14. tmanthegreat

    A little late to the party, but I finally got my Tiger, too!

    Thanks for the kind comments, everyone 😃 I have a couple Ammo Mig oil washes to try out on this tank… Maybe a good project for tomorrow 😉
  15. tmanthegreat


    Rehashing my comment on Facebook, but fantastic pics and I like your use of the figures, particularly the one holding the gun barrel. I may need to pull those loaders out again…
  16. tmanthegreat

    A Beautiful Panzer III

    Panzer Ace, the tank commander is an older War Park figure - KU024 Groß deutschland Tank Crew Member - that was released in 2019 as part of their Battle of Kursk series. It’s a really useful figure that I wish I’d gotten a couple more of back then.
  17. tmanthegreat

    A little late to the party, but I finally got my Tiger, too!

    It took a little longer than usual, but my War Park Normandy Tiger arrived yesterday… It’s definitely a beast! I love the attention to detail and the fact it came with a removable MG and mount, so one doesn’t have to exclusively use the NOR022 figure to have an Mg mounted on the tank. The new...
  18. tmanthegreat

    A Beautiful Panzer III

    I recently received the new Panzer III Ausf. M model from First Legion and it is a gem! The model is a new tooling and there are few obvious errors that I can find. The paint work and weathering are exceptional and a step above the competition. I like the inclusion of the schurzen panels, though...
  19. tmanthegreat

    Best Rommel Yet

    I agree with you, Mike, the War Park General Rommel figure is awesome! I like the General Guderian figure as well. I’ve got both displayed on a book shelf with copies of their respective works (title is hard to see on my first edition copy of The Rommel Papers).
  20. tmanthegreat

    Die Hochgeschwindigkeit Schwalbe (The High Speed Swallow)

    Some pics of my vignette display with the new German Messerschmitt ME-262 HGIII model from Thomas Gunn Miniatures. They did a near perfect job of capturing the beautiful design of this conceptual aircraft and the ME-262 HGIII looks awesome in 1/30 scale 😎 For a little history, the ME-262 HGIII...