Search results

  1. tmanthegreat

    The Nashorn Revisited

    I recently pulled out my War Park Nashorn in the summer camouflage (AX010) and gave it an updated vignette display. I had to laugh because when searching Google for possible display ideas, my own pics of the original diorama I made with the same tank and posted on Treefrog back in 2021 kept...
  2. tmanthegreat

    World War II 1939-45 (Pictures)

    Stunning work, Frank! I like the looks of that Panzer IV and it may be one worth getting… Also, have you ever considered water marking or signing your photos in some way? I see them get reposted a lot in various diorama and model building groups on Facebook, often without credit being given to...
  3. tmanthegreat

    Treefrog's 2024 Chicago Toy Soldier Show Adventure

    Very nice pics and video 😃 I need to get out to one of these big toy soldier shows one day… Maybe if there’s another West Coast show in Anaheim, CA again… It would be great to meet some fellow collectors and dealers in person!
  4. tmanthegreat


    Lots too look forward to here 😎
  5. tmanthegreat

    A Soviet Surprise! The New MiG-15 Model From Thomas Gunn

    It’s not very often that I get a couple Thomas Gunn Warbirds aircraft models back to back, but when I found out they had MiG-15 models available, I couldn’t pass one up! Here are some pics of my display with the new TGM MiG-15 in Soviet Air Force livery from the early 1950s. It’s a stunning...
  6. tmanthegreat

    Radio Hut #2

    Fantastic setup, Rob! Those radio huts look awesome together 😎
  7. tmanthegreat

    Now Here’s Something You Don’t See Everyday!

    Thanks Mike! Regarding that video I posted, I just find it neat that an aircraft that basically only ever existed on paper could actually fly and seem to handle well. While it’s likely a variety of issues would have plagued an actual FW 1000 based on what was seen with the actual jets Germany...
  8. tmanthegreat

    Now Here’s Something You Don’t See Everyday!

    Thanks for the kind comments, everyone 😃 Thomas Gunn does some amazing work on their wooden warbirds and I really like how they take on some very unusual and unique subjects most other manufacturers would never touch. Anyways, I thought I’d post a link to the video featuring the 1/6th scale...
  9. tmanthegreat

    Radio Hut #1

    Great setup, Rob, and I like the loos of that radio hut! Thank you for sharing! That hut is a tempting piece for sure… We’re never to do a large airfield setup (large display with multiple aircraft that hut would make a great addition!
  10. tmanthegreat

    War Park New Release in September -- Normandy Tiger Tank

    I’ve got my order in for the Tiger tank & commander figure and I’m very much looking forward to it! The currently available NO021 Waffen SS Tank Crew Figure Set will be another one to get, for anyone who hasn’t done so already 😎
  11. tmanthegreat

    New Product Preview

    A whole ton of neat stuff to look forward to from War Park! The Brummbar looks awesome and glad to see there will be a proper crew for it! The new winter Stug III looks good too. With the Pz.Div. Grossdeutschland markings visible, it’s clear that will be part of the Kharkov line… I’m wondering...
  12. tmanthegreat

    Now Here’s Something You Don’t See Everyday!

    I wanted to share some pics of the latest addition to my 1/30 scale collection of “Luftwaffe 1946” German concept aircraft made by Thomas Gunn Miniatures in the form of their latest release, the Focke-Wulf 1000 Fast Bomber 😎 The FW 1000 was Focke-Wulf’s answer to the German RLM’s late war 3x...
  13. tmanthegreat

    Sopwith Triplane Diorama

    Great work, Corey! I alway enjoy seeing your setups with the JJD aircraft 😎
  14. tmanthegreat

    Advancing Across the Desert

    Jason, War Park has not announced any DAK infantry yet, but it seems likely that they will make some eventually. In the mean time, the First Legion DAK figures work very well with the War Park DAK Panzer IIIs. I’ve included a couple pics below of some vignettes I did recently that mixed the War...
  15. tmanthegreat

    Advancing Across the Desert

    Thank you everyone for the kind comments on my War Park display! It is very much appreciated 😃 Panzer Ace, to answer your question about individual figures standing steadily on the desert display base, it depends on where you place them. There are some flat areas and other areas where small...
  16. tmanthegreat

    ****ed Hunchback

    What a beautiful model! Thanks for sharing the pics of yours… I always happy to see other TGM wooden warbirds collectors post some of their collections and pieces 😎
  17. tmanthegreat

    Awaiting Marder & Radio Huts

    Nice display, Rob! I like how 3D Thomas Gunn’s railroad track base looks. While I personally prefer actual 3D terrain in most cases; Thomas Gunn did do a great job on their 2D bases and because they’re flat, figures don’t fall over so easily, lol
  18. tmanthegreat

    2 shots of the new winter ss figs.

    Awesome pics, Issac! I particularly like your last pic with the entire grouping… It’s very dramatic!
  19. tmanthegreat

    France, May, 1940

    Simply awesome pics, Mike! The FL and War Park items blend seamlessly in your setup. You’ve got to get one of the JJD Panzer Is in there as well 😉
  20. tmanthegreat

    Advancing Across the Desert

    I recently got the new WA056 Desert Scenic Base from War Park and it’s really nice! It has a sort of rough sand-like texture to it and is mounted to a frame. I added some Last Post Miniatures palm trees to the base and used some fine grain sand from my yard to better blend the tree bases and add...