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  1. tmanthegreat

    Normandy-Armor Forward

    Fantastic pics, Mike! That JJD Stug III is one of my favorites… John definitely makes the best WWII armor 😎
  2. tmanthegreat

    Jagdpanzer IV in Normandy

    Awesome scene, Mike! Great to see another collector do a setup with a First Legion Jagdpanzer IV. I like how you also gave the model some darker washes to tone down the bright colors, just like I did on mine last year 😉 Ironically, the version of the Jagdpanzer IV that First Legion created - a...
  3. tmanthegreat

    KUR001 Pz III M

    I don’t need another Panzer III… I don’t need another Panzer III… I don’t need another Panzer III… Bit I think FL has me sold on this version! It’s clearly a new tooling over their Panzer IIIL model and the camouflage looks awesome! I’ll be curious to see how their eventual Kursk figures look...
  4. tmanthegreat

    Marder II Update

    Looking good! Now you’ve got me thinking the SS110 German Tank Crew/Loader figures could work with the Marder 😎
  5. tmanthegreat

    Normandy-Moving Up

    Awesome pics, Mike! Random question, but is your terrain base a Build a Rama product? The bushes look like JG Miniatures… I mix those two manufacturers in my dioramas all the time.
  6. tmanthegreat

    Taking a Break

    Awesome pics and setup, Mike! I rather like the unmotivated skulking “hoodie” guy getting some serious motivation to get in line 🤣
  7. tmanthegreat

    My 1st dio base

    A little late to the game here, but amazing work on your diorama base, REVWARBUFF! It blends almost seamlessly with your background and looks very realistic. Nice touch on using real dirt, too. I’ve used various model railroad sands and ballast before, but totally agree that real dirt works the...
  8. tmanthegreat


    Awesome pic, Wayne! I’m getting my DAK Tank Riders soon and am looking forward to them.
  9. tmanthegreat

    Kübelwagen Question

    Rob, I saw no one had responded to your question yet… The spare wheel accessory with the War Park winter Kubelwagen (as well as their other Kubelwagens) is actually a spare steering wheel. One of the figures that comes with the vehicle is a driver figure holding the steering wheel; however, in...
  10. tmanthegreat

    A Cold Day at the Bulge

    Great pic, Duke! Always nice to see these winter images on a hot summer’s day 😎
  11. tmanthegreat

    New Releases for September 2024 - The Second World War

    Wish there were more figures for this release, but this is a good start nonetheless! I’m glad to see these are being made and we definitely need some USAAF ground crew figures in proper 1/30 scale.
  12. tmanthegreat

    Junkers Ju-290

    I recall seeing the B-32 under construction in some workshop pics posted on TGM’s website a few months ago… Neat to know you’re the guy behind it! I’ve been a regular customer of the TGM aircraft and have a few custom ideas I should run by Blake.
  13. tmanthegreat

    Junkers Ju-290

    Oh wait, never mind… I just saw on TGM’s website that the JU-290 is a general release along with a new HE-111 with V1 missile. Still a couple JU-290s left!
  14. tmanthegreat

    Junkers Ju-290

    Simply amazing! What a great addition to your collection, MLH13! A 50 inch wingspan (over 4 feet) is insanely big! Was this a custom order or a general release? I don’t recall seeing it previewed or posted… Still, what an epic model 😎
  15. tmanthegreat

    1/30 Ferdinand

    No new info that I have seen… I expect it could be a while before a release, though. FL still has not released some of the items they said were coming the first part of July, like the Kharkov Germans. Also, the pics Wayne posted were originally posted in the Toy Soldier Collector Asia Facebook...
  16. tmanthegreat

    “Retreat, hell!” A Korean War Diorama

    Thank you Mike and 29 Let’s Go 😃
  17. tmanthegreat

    Jungle Landing Zone… A Display Featuring K&C’s UH-1D Huey Model

    Thank you again, everyone for the compliments on my diorama 😃 And hat’s off to King & Country for their excellent Huey model!
  18. tmanthegreat

    Winning Hearts And Minds

    Some fantastic setups with your Huey, King & Country! It’s really a fantastic model 😎
  19. tmanthegreat

    “Retreat, hell!” A Korean War Diorama

    Lost track on this thread, but I want to say thanks to everyone for all the kind comments and likes on my post and Korean War diorama 😃
  20. tmanthegreat

    Ready for Action

    Great pic, Duke! What scale is the figure? I recognize the Sherman tank as the old Unimax FOV 1/16 scale model. Did TCS make 1/16 figures at one point?