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  1. M

    ROM102-ROM109 Fighting Praetorians Release 2.................

    Thanks for taking the time to post a photo. I for one greatly appreciate any actual photos of a new FL release posted by forum members. Any chance of a close-up or two? Even a simple snappy in natural light can be most useful. Cheers
  2. M

    Pirated Castings

    Another option I suppose is to purchase the kit you like and then send it yourself to Kolobob, your studio of choice, or whoever to have it done. When it comes to the Russian sculpts themselves, many seem to be "shared" by different studios though the Vityaz(Arsenyev) figures appear to be...
  3. M

    Pirated Castings

    I personally have no way of knowing for sure so I hope others with more insight and experience than me weigh in. Andrea was mentioned. I look at many of the painted Andrea figures on Kolobob and can't really tell.....I have some Andrea kits (haven't actually made any yet!!) and an old Andrea...
  4. M

    Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers

    Nice looking figures. I too would like to get an entire Napoleonic marching band at some point. Does anyone happen to know why AeroArt stopped doing these and other Naps? Apologies to Zach for always asking questions in the middle of his recent purchases thread.
  5. M

    Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers

    Is this new samurai any bigger than the previous samurai? The reason I ask is that I recently got Pompey in Triumph Armor (6342) and he's somewhat larger than my other AeroArt figures (I don't find it a problem but it is noticeable). I'm wondering if the new releases are (have been?) getting...
  6. M

    “A Raffish Little Jeep”

    Thanks for that So I guess it's pretty unlikely that there will be a second version with the top down??
  7. M

    “A Raffish Little Jeep”

    Apologies if this is a dopey question but does the roof come off?
  8. M

    Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers

    That's worth knowing. Thanks. And while we're on this topic, hasn't the ruble taken an almighty hit against the greenback (over 40% since the start of the year I read today)? Is there any sensible reason why this change hasn't started to show up in prices by now?
  9. M

    Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers

    I've been keeping an eye on Kolobob figures for only about 6 months. Have they really gone up in price 50% in 12 months?
  10. M

    the lance 1300s

    Thanks for that :)
  11. M

    the lance 1300s

    Really useful photos, thanks for posting them. May I ask which of the ox carts you like the most, the FL or BH one?
  12. M

    Tgm warbirds!

    I've never bought a plane, though these new releases are very impressive. A gladiator however would force me to act ! I almost hope they don't do one so I can remain on the sidelines (where it's cheaper) :)
  13. M

    Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers

    I believe Zach's stunning female samurai is from Pegaso. The flowing robes and kimono of samurai (male or female) not wearing armor seem to make the perfect canvas on which the Russian painters can go bezerk creatively and the results can be truly breathtaking. I think SA14 (the seated samurai...
  14. M

    Got to build something like this again now!

    I like the look of the civilian stuff as well.:)
  15. M

    “Work In Progress”…

    I wonder if stone work like that can be bought pre-made or whether it has to be carved out in all it's intricate detail using, I don't know, a soldering iron ??(I think I read that somewhere). If its the latter then the skill and effort involved is all the more remarkable. Anyway I digress...
  16. M

    “Work In Progress”…

    Looks great. How is stone work like that done? Or is a trade secret.....
  17. M

    KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- August 2014

    Has the Gloster Gladiator been done at 1:30? Did it play any role at all in the Battle of Britain?? Not sure of the historical accuracy but it would look pretty stylish parked outside that cricket club.
  18. M

    Fire Truck, etc

    Is the RAF version of the fire truck also likely to be red? Or would it perhaps be blue??
  19. M

    To ship back or not to ship back

    Here's my two cents. I guess what you choose to do may depend on whether you see this as a one off problem or potentially a recurring problem. If you only purchase a few figures from Russia each year and so damage is a rare exception, having it fixed locally sounds like a lot less hassle then...