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  4. Diorama


  5. 4

    Sudan Campaigns 1880 - 1898

    Martyn, This if one of my favorites from the London Illustrated News: "First in the Fray." I had a go at recreating it, but I'd really like to see what you could come up with Thanks, Sam
  6. 4

    Sudan Campaigns 1880 - 1898

    I love camel pictures. Thanks guys. Has everyone seen the new Regal camel corps figures? I really like them, and I think they would mix well with Trophy or Little Legion. They come in red tunics, the more accurate grey, or blue for Royal artillery. Cheers, Sam
  7. 4

    Camel Corps Identification

    Thank you Al and gentlemen for your input. It is a shame that so many companies like this have gone the way of the dodo. Sam
  8. 4

    Camel Corps Identification

    Can anyone tell me who makes, or made, these camel corps figures? These are from a catalog from the 80s I believe. Could they be Dorset? Thanks, Sam
  9. 4

    New SOW Sudan addition

    Thanks Scott!
  10. 4

    New SOW Sudan addition

    These look great. Do you know when they will be available for purchase? Thanks, Sam
  11. 4

    Trophy of Wales

    Mike that superior lighting is good old sunlight. I have been taking these pictures outside because I have not been able to rig something up yet with proper artificial light. Sam
  12. 4

    Trophy of Wales

    Thanks awfully old chaps!
  13. 4

    Trophy of Wales

    Camels as requested...and more General Gordon and loyal Lieutenant Camel detachment of the Naval Brigade Camel Corps heading towards Khartoum The defeat of Hicks Pasha in 1883
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  15. 4

    Trophy of Wales

    Ah how could I forget the camel corps. Yes, pictures of camels coming soon
  16. 4

    Trophy of Wales

    Thanks Chaps! And you're right Mike, it is stress relieving :) Sam
  17. 4

    "More Troops for Afghanistan"

    Randy, You've inspired me to make some scenes of my own. Here is my first go at it. 57th Wilde's Rifles on patrol on the NWF (more to follow). Cheers, Sam
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    Trophy of Wales

    Here are a couple more: The 72nd highlanders in the Second Afghan war the Black Watch clearing the hills at Kirbekan
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