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  14. Tel El Kebir

    Tel El Kebir

  15. Egypt and Sudan

    Egypt and Sudan

  16. 4

    Brad, Yes it is the Doylestown you are thinking of because Bethlehem is pretty close, so we are...

    Brad, Yes it is the Doylestown you are thinking of because Bethlehem is pretty close, so we are toy soldier neighbors. I go to school in Pittsburgh, but all the soldiers are home in Dtown. Cheers, Sam
  17. 4

    New to the Forum

    Wow, Thank you all for the warm welcome. Thank you too for the pointers on taking pictures. 4th Hussar, I see that I stole your name, but you're right, you can't have too many Hussars or too many Churchills. A couple of you asked what periods my Dad and I collect. Well my father collected Sudan...
  18. 4

    New to the Forum

    Hi All, I joined up to be able to talk to other Trophy collectors. My Dad collected Trophy miniatures for a long time until I was born and then he stopped. He then rediscovered Trophy a few years back and we both started collecting, though our collections have slowed down lately now that I am...