Search results

  1. Cheval 52

    Armies in Plastic's Warp Factor

    Did Armies in Plastic ever do away with the gawd awful idea of attaching hollow bases to their figures? :mad::mad::mad: The flat base WWI French Infantry set was great but the hollow base WWI American Infantry was a complete disaster. Within a year half of the figures were unable to stand due...
  2. Cheval 52

    Winter Productions Metal Soldiers

    Whatever happened to the British company known as Winter Productions? They used to manufacture unpainted 40mm metal figures ranging from Ancient Romans to Crimean War figures. They were extremely popular and were sold at novelty stores and even at the Tower of London. I have over 70 of them...
  3. Cheval 52

    Russian made 60mm Romans ???

    The set of 60mm purple Romans advertised at Toy Soldiers Headquarters at are actually Macedonians. :eek: :eek: :eek: I ordered this set about three years ago and noticed the mistake immediately. The giveaway was the helmet which is also...
  4. Cheval 52

    Vietnam Era plastics

    MPC made a set of 54mm US Soldiers years ago armed with M14 & M16 rifles. There was confusion about the M14's and their Bipods, many thought that they were actually LMGs. I found a set of these figures back around 2000 at a Thrift Store
  5. Cheval 52

    Fontanini Vikings

    I was unaware that Fontanini also made assorted Viking Warriors in 54mm as well. There is a picture of them located at Toy Soldier Headquarters at:
  6. Cheval 52

    Fontanini Vikings

    Good News Gentlemen. The Toy Soldier Company still has these sets available, they can be found at The only pic available at TSC are the painted Pirates
  7. Cheval 52

    Fontanini Vikings

    The 60mm Fontanini Vikings are amongst my favorites, they look like they stepped straight out of a Nordic Mythology painting. I also have the French Musketeers and Pirates. The Vikings were cast in grey and look terrific but the see-thru Neon Yellow Musketeers and the Neon Orange Pirates took...
  8. Cheval 52

    Identification requested please!

    The pose is definately from a Fontanini figure, it may be a knockoff. I emailed you a picture of the actual Fontanini figure from my set